So much HATE!

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“You are useless! Useless! I tell you!"

Everyday I heard those words. Why? Because I couldn't be like him. Yes, as a father he got the right to scold me, but why scold if I couldn't be like him.

Everyone has different skills. Some can harvest properly, some can plough but everyone can't master at every profession!

Keeping that thought in mind I just hear all insults from my father and next moment I have to act as if nothing happened. This was my life at home, BORING AS HELL!

Now tell me how can I live with my alcoholic father, who is all the time insulting me or my caring mother? I just had to listen to those insults. All he could do was insult people who loved him therefore he was the best at breaking relationships. He doesn't want to be respected.

Always I would ask my mother, “How can you take all this?" Her answer would be,“No matter what happens, the fact that he is my husband and your father will  never change." I was shocked by this answer, how could she be so calm after hearing all those insults? I was confused, was she emotionally strong? Hell yeah!

I hated him! He didn't have feelings for anyone. Not even his wife. His only child(Me). All he do was drink alcohol, and how to insult his loved ones. I don't even have feelings for these kind of people!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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