Chapter twenty-three: in which she goes back

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"I don't like this anymore!" I complained.

"Trevor didn't liike you runing away, yet here you are!" She shot back.

That was a low blow, but also true. I didn't say anything after that.

We parked at the mall and walked out. It was almost two because we had taken forever to get ready. Amanda guided me through the stores to an ices cream shop.

"I knew you couldn't be so cruel!" I exclaimed dramatically. She didn't reply.

"Amanada, you're late!" Said the person behind the counter.

"I had an emergency." She shrugged.

"You work here? Today?" I hissed. Everyone ignored me.

"You should have called." Said the guy behind the counter again, I tried to get his name tag but it was too far from sight.

"It's a slow day, anyways." She walked closer to the counter.

I looked around at the shop full of customers.

"It's Saturday." The guy replied.

"Come on, Tom!" Amanda leaned closer to him in a clear sign that I was not invited to the conversation. I lingered around while they talked not really sure on what to do.

Amanada should have told me she had to work today.I would have understood.

They talk for about ten minutes and Amanda finally comes back with two ice cream cones. She draggs me outside from the elbow withput a word.

Once outside she speaks. "We're good to go."

"You're crazy!"

Amanda just smiles mischeviously.

"You love me, and I got you ice cream." She handed the cone on que. "We can go sit over the food court. We have a pending conversation."

"Do we really?"

"Yes, we do."

I groaned.

Amanda dragged me once more through the mall until we found our seats. We ate pur ice cream in silence and when she finiched hers first se waited form me to finish mine. She was getting out of the way all the excuses I could use to not talk to her.

"Have you thought about my question?"

Why are you running?

"I have."


"The conclusion is that I'm scared."

"Well, duh." Amanda rolled her eyes.

"Hey! Don't get that tone with me!" I joked.

"Fine." She huffed. "What are you afraid of?"

"I feel like I'm in therapy."

"Answer the question!"

Amanda was really crazy.

"I'm scared that this will ruin our relationship, that suddenly I will have to cover more expectations, that it will complicate my life."

"It's Trevor we're talking about." She said it as if that single sentence would solve any problem.

"I know. It's mostly my anxiety putting words into my head. I picture everything and anything that could go wrong."

"What about the things that could go right?" Amanada threw back.

I didn't say anything, so she continued. "Look, just be honest with me."

"I'm always honest with you." I had to cut in.

"What's the real problem here? That you don't know how you feel about him or that you don't know what to do about how you feel?"

"I think it's pretty obvious that it has nothing to do with me not knowing how I feel. I told you I'm scared."

"I know it's obvious, but I want you to say it out loud to make it more real for you."

"I realy feel like I'm in therapy."

Amanada sent me an ugly look that almost made me laugh.

I sighed. "I love Trevor, but I'm not sure it I'm ready to change aour relationship like that."

"I think that what you need is a leap of faith. Faith in Travor and faith in the fact that he won't do anything to hurt you. He knows you as much as I do and I think that you two together would work out great. You have to learn to live without the constant need of approval from others. Approval from your father, from me, or from Trevor. You have to do your own thing and take your own decisions based on the things that you want."

"I don't need approval from anyone." I mumbled.

"You know you don't need it, but you still look for it."

Amanada should change her mayor to psycology.

"It's unconciously done." I tried to justify.

"I know, but what are you going to do about it? What are you going to do?"

I knew what I wanted to do. It had been clear since that very first time Trevor kissed me, it was even clearer the second time. I just decided to disregard it. Amanda knew my decision right away, just one glance and she knew.

"We have to get you a plane ticket."

I nodded, it was time to talk to Trevor.

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Yooo, new chappie.

A. L. Pecka

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