She Loves Me Not

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Chapter One: Tyler's P.O.V

I ran frantically around the house searching for my socks. Kat was going to be here any second now. I looked around my livingroom and saw my 6 year old little brother, Mikey, sitting on the couch. His face was scrunched up and red like it is when he's guilty. "Mikey, where are they?" I said in a serious tone. "I don't know what you're talking about!" Mikey said guiltily, trying very hard to hold back a giggle. I stared at him and he shrugged.

"Well I guess the tickle monster is going to have to get it out of you then!" I said finally, my serious face turning into a smile. I ran over him and began tickling him. He let out  a loud screaming laugh and I removed my socks from underneath him. The bell rang and fear swept over me. I hopped over to the door, trying to jam a sock on, and opened it. "Hey," Kat said. She was dressed in a pretty white sundress with golden trim. Her long blonde hair spilled over her shoulders. "Come on in," I said. She stepped inside. "So, is one sock in these days?" Kat joked. My cheeks flushed. I quickly put my other sock on and we went to go sit on the couch.

Mikey scrambled up to Kat happily. "Hi Kat!" He yelped. "Well, hi Mikey! I haven't seen you in a little while!" Kat said with a wide grin, tickling Mikey in his stomach. Mikey giggled and his cheeks turned red. He loved it when Kat came over; she was so great with kids.

Kat and I have been best friends since the 1st grade. I remembered the moment when we met like it was yesterday. I was a little boy, had no friends. It was recess and I sat down with a book while everyone else had fun and played. I was just getting to an interesting part in my book when I heard a voice above me; "What ya readin'?". I jumped, startled, and looked up from my book. A little girl with pale skin, blue eyes, and long blonde hair pulled into pigtails. She smiled down at me with freckled cheeks. She was the most beautiful girl I had ever seen.

"So are you going to answer me?" The girl asked. "What?" I asked, snapping out of it. "I asked you a question, silly!" The girl giggled. "Oh...uhhh...I'm reading Magic Tree House," I stuttered. "Oh! I love those books! Which one are you on?!" The girl exclaimed. She sat on the bench and scooted right next to me. "The fifth one," I said shlyly. "I'm on the tenth," the girl replied. "Wow," I said, interested.

For a while they stayed silent and stared at each other. "Hey you wanna try something fun?!" The girl said suddenly, making me jump again. "What is it?" I stammered. She pointed her finger to the set of monkey bars. I didn't know how to do the monkey bars. "Uhhh...I don't think-" She grabbed my hand and pulled me away from the bench. My book dropped to the ground and I reached with my other hand to pick it up, but she pulled my away. She brought me to the playground. She climbed the ladder up to the monkey bars. Her fingers reached out to one of the bars and grasped it. With that she pushed off the ladder with her feet and swung forward. She swung expertly across the bars, her hands a blur as she glided across the bars. She landed gracefully on the other side.

"See? It's easy!" The girl said encouragingly. "Maybe I will," I said, feeling a sudden burst of courage. I stepped shakily up the ladder. I looked down and all my courage was drained from me. I thought about going back. No. I couldn't. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. My fingers reached out, seeking the first cold metal bar. My fingers grasped the bar and I opened my eyes. I focused on doing exactly what the girl did. Now a croud of people had come to watch me. I pushed off the ladder with my feet and swung forward. I reached out my hand for the next bar, but a wave of terror went through me went my hand grabbed the air.

The next thing I new, I was plummeting to the ground. I hit the ground hard on my back. It knocked the air out of me and I lay there in the tan bark, gasping for breath. I heard laughs break out from everyone watching. "Haha! Look he's crying!" A boy smirked. I reddened, wiping tears from my eyes. I buried my face in my hands. "Hey!" A voice made me look up, "stop picking on him! It's his first time and I bet you are no better than him!". The girl was sticking up for him! "C'mon, let's go," the girl said, helping me up. "Thanks," I sniffled, "what's your name?". "Kat Hills, nice doing buisiness with ya," She said, smiling and extending her hand. "Tyler, Tyler Jones," I said, and shook her hand.

And I've had a major crush on her for three years now.

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