Under the Mountain

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Orzammar's gateway spanned the path of an entire mountain peak, large stone archways carved and placed in intervals all the way from the valley. At the top of the snow covered mountainside, giant dwarven doors blocked entry to the city to the large gathering of merchants that surrounded the underground city, permitted to sell outside but never enter. Dwarves were an insular race, living on Ferelden land, but minding themselves. They had their own government, own religion and even their own king. Endrin Aeducan was the current king if Solona remembered correctly. The dwarves and their 'Legion of the Dead' were the first line of defense against the Darkspawn that lived in the Deep Roads when there was not a Blight scouring the land. The dwarven caste system was a confusing system of classes, based upon marriage and birth that Solona was not even certain the dwarves fully understood at times. Once a Dwarf left the city and stepped foot on the 'surface' he was stripped of his rank and exiled, unable to return to Orzammar. Exceptions were made for some merchants with special permits that allowed them into the Commons to sell, but they were not recognized as citizens. Other exceptions were made in times of war, such as now, when the Darkspawn discovered an Archdemon and poured from their pits to assault the land. The dwarven armies were obligated to come to the aid of the Wardens.

Solona glanced around in awe at the hundreds of merchant carts parked outside the city. Bodhan happily found himself a place among the masses and set up his cart, Sadal excitedly shouting "Enchantment!" to anyone who passed by. Solona had not forgotten her promise to Sten and as her companions spread out to admire the goods for sale, she paused to ask after the merchant named Faryn. A few of the merchants she asked knew nothing of him, but finally a shady looking red headed man with sunken eyes and a haggard expression grinned at her with missing teeth and seemed quite proud that she had heard of him. At first he refused to give her information on the sword simply saying he had sold it. When she turned around and pointed to Sten who was admiring a merchant cart selling cookies, the man began to sweat and immediately spilled that he had sold the sword to a dwarf in Redcliffe named Dwynn. Solona remembered Dwynn. He had been convinced to defend the city rather grudgingly the night of the assault. He was still alive as far as she knew. She thanked the creepy fellow and even earned a few sovereigns promising not to tell Sten about him.

She took a stroll through the carts and stands, finding a few gifts for some of her friends. A miniature golem doll for Alistair, a pet rock for Shale, a couple of books for Wynne and a pendant with a Chantry symbol on it for Leliana. Her favorite find was a golden mirror that sparkled with jewels encrusted around the handle. After purchasing it, she asked the merchant to wrap it and then hurried off to find Morrigan. "What have you there?" Morrigan asked with genuine curiosity as Solona handed her the delicate package. She unwrapped the gift and gasped. "A mirror?.. It is... just the same as the mirror which Flemeth smashed on the ground, so long ago." Her fingers barely touched the edges as she admired the craftsmanship with a shocked look on her face. Morrigan looked up at Solona, her eyes glistening before she swallowed the emotion she was feeling and hugged the mirror to her chest. "It is incredible that you found one so like it. I am uncertain what to say." Then her gaze turned stony and her eyes narrowed. "You must wish something in return, certainly."

"Don't be ridiculous. It's a gift, Morrigan," Solona said, her excitement dwindling as the untrusting woman spread more mortar on the wall around her that she blocked all relationships with.

"You say that as if I should be accustomed to such a thing. I have... never received a gift, not one which did not come at a price..." she glanced down at the mirror again. "I suppose I should say thank you. For the gift. 'Tis... most thoughtful, truly." An uncertain smile crept onto Morrigan's face as she carefully tucked the mirror into her pack.

After allowing everyone a few hours to simply browse the market and take some time to wind down, Solona grudgingly gathered her people and headed for the doors to the city. Just outside on the stoop, a few dwarven guards were arguing with a finely armored man flanked by what looked to be mercenaries. The man's fists were balled and down by his hips making him look a bit childish as his reddened face demanded an audience with the dwarven king. "Veata! This land is held in trust for the sovereign dwarven kings. I cannot allow entry at this time!" The closest guard said angrily, swiping his hand through the air in a last straw gesture. How long had this man been here hounding them, Solona wondered as she hung back to listen.

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