"I look forward to it," he agreed, falling into step beside her.

The camp that the others had set up was not much farther down the road. When they stepped across the perimeter, Barkspawn jumped up and ran to her, barking loudly and drew attention to the fact that they had been a suspiciously long time behind Leliana and Wynne. She knelt to stuff a bone in his mouth that she had picked up at the store and he barked around the obstruction before heading off to the edge of camp near her tent to gnaw on the treat. She attempted to hide the flush in her cheeks as she joined the others by the fire where even Morrigan sat listening to Leliana describe the temple in great detail. The witch's eyes fell on her momentarily before rising to glance at Alistair who's cheeks were also mildly reddened. A sour expression wrinkled her nose as the possibility of what had happened dawned on her. Morrigan and Alistair flat out hated each other, trading bitter and angry jibes with each other every chance they got. Of course the thought of being romantically involved with him would turn her stomach, but Solona refused to allow Morrigan's opinion to ruin the euphoria she was riding on. The Blight felt distant as she thought about the press of his lips against hers. Alistair was none too discreet as he took a spot right beside her and they exchanged a glance and a knowing smile, the redness returning to her cheeks as she grinned like an idiot right there in front of everyone.

Luckily, most of the assembled group was wrapped up in Leliana's story and did not notice her stupid grin, or his for that matter. Later, after they had washed up and had supper, she sorted out her loot from the store and left Zevran's boots in the sack. She wandered over to the elf who had taken first watch with Barkspawn. "I have something for you," she said offering up the bag.

He cocked his head and she had to push it toward him again before he tentatively took it from her grasp. He opened the sack and peered inside. "Hmm... that smell..." he pulled the boots from the bag and admired the craftsmanship. "This is Antivan leather, isn't it? I would know that anywhere!" He chuckled in delight as he set them down beside him and began to remove one of his other boots. "I don't know how you found it, but thank you!"

"You're quite welcome," she said, enjoying the giddy smile in his face as he slipped the boot on his foot.

"And they fit as well, marvelous! Now if only you could find me a prostitute or two, a bowl of fish chowder and a corrupt politician, I'd really feel like I was home!" he laughed again.

She patted his shoulder and laughed at his joke before leaving him to put on the other one. She headed back toward the fire where Alistair was sitting. He noted her approach and glanced around for prying eyes before waving her over to join him. "Hey, I'm sorry about earlier. I should maybe be a bit more discreet for the time being," he said as she sat down beside him.

She shrugged. "I'm pretty sure our tardy arrival back at camp was noted by just about everyone as it is... I'm not saying we shout it from the top of the Circle tower, but if anyone sees or figures us out, I don't see why we should deny it."

He grinned and chuckled, nudging her shoulder with his. "Did you see Morrigan's face? It was like she bit into a lemon."

Solona joined his laughter. "I know. Maker forbid... feelings..." Solona stuck out her tongue and shuddered mockingly.

His knee lingered closer to hers and his pinky slipped around hers. They sat in their discreet, friendly bubble for a few moments, simply enjoying their new closeness. Solona had been trying to smash down her feelings for weeks, ignoring every innuendo and comment he made and playing them off as friendly banter. Little did she know that the entire time, his teasing had been meant the same way hers had. Suddenly, Leliana came from her tent in little more than a long tunic that hid her small clothes. Solona instinctively jerked her hand and knee from his and as Leliana passed by, she giggled merrily. "You two are not fooling anyone, you know."

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