Chapter 1: The Malfoys

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I was only seven years old when he took me from the orphanage. At such a young age, I couldn't comprehend just how much this would affect my future forever. I remember seeing him for the first time, how frightened I was of him. He was in his early thirties at the least, with pale hair that fell past his shoulders, as well as a pale face and eyes that weren't inviting or kind. He walked with his pride in showing in every step he took, while his hands held a cane with the head of a snake carved into the hilt. I was afraid of him obviously, and clenched my sweaty hands into fists when he introduced himself as Lucius Malfoy. Mr. Malfoy explained how he knew my mother before she died, how he and his wife were chosen to care for in the unfortunate event that she passed on. He explained that like him, I was supposedly "special" unlike any of the other children at the orphanage. That day, he took me away from the orphanage, while giving me a forced smile that unsuccessfully hid that wicked sneer that I came to get used to with the years.He didn't say much to me during that drive out of the city to the train station. We rode the train in silence, except when I asked if he had any family in frightened whisper, and he simply said he had a wife and a child of his own that was close to my age.

Once we reached York, we took a car to the far country where Malfoy Manor stood high and proud on the green pastures. The grand house with the statues and shrubbery maze left me in awe with my eyes wide. Mr. Malfoy couldn't help feeling smug about my reaction as the high gates opened for us, and we edged closer towards the beautiful white house. The driver opened the door for us, and I stood in before the steps in amazement as Lucius's gloved hand shaped itself around my tiny shoulder.

"Welcome home my dear," he whispered in my ear, and we made our way to the front door.


My mother knelt in from of me and whisked away the remaining dust from the jacket that I was now wearing with her hand, trying to make me look presentable. Ever since she told me that our family would take in an orphaned child as a ward, I'd been nervous all week over this young stranger that would alter our home lives. Mother said I'd have a friend to play with, but I wasn't sure that I believed her. I didn't like muggle children, and found it annoying how they think that they know everything. Father says the whole lot of them are a waste of time, and that I should send my concerns elsewhere. However this new child that my mother and I were waiting upon, the one my father left to retrieve yesterday, would leave an imbalance in my life. Mother reassured me that this child we were welcoming into our home was unique like us, but I wasn't sure just how unique he or she was. I also wasn't sure if my status as an only child would end. That there was a possibility my parents would favor this other child. This thought left me frightened, and I would certainly have no choice but to hate him or her. I wasn't prepared quite yet to share my parents' affections with someone else. However when Dobby informed us that Father had returned, I took the shaky steps towards the threshold, and stopped in my tracks.

There, standing beside my father, was a young girl that had to be about my age if not more. She had long, frizzy black hair that framed her tiny pale face, and a skinny body that was evidence of never having enough to eat. But what struck me the most were her eyes, which were the vivid, deep color emeralds and shone with brilliance in the light. And despite all her imperfections, no one could deny this girl's beauty.

"Draco," my father purred at me, "I'd like you to meet Sonja Farrad, the orphaned daugther of my late friend, Katherine." The young girl held out a quivering hand for me to shake and I took it without a word. But the second our hands touched though, a shock of electric current ran from the surface of my skin through to my veins and sent my heartbeat fluttering. And that was how I met my best friend, Sonja Farrad.

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