Chapter 5: Pompous Bloke

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Out of the entire school, I'd say the library was one of my favorite places to be.  It wasn't very crowded, it was always quiet and nobody ever bothers you when you're studying.  It being Friday, I wanted to get as much done as possible so I could enjoy the rest of the weekend.  I still refused to talk to Draco.  After what he said about me not being able to play Quidditch, I decided that I wasn't going to change my mind, and I certainly wouldn't speak to him under any circumstances until he properly apologized.  It had been about two weeks since he made the reference that I couldn't play Quidditch, but I wouldn't give up on my plans to join the team.

It was my intent to join the team last year, however the Triwizard Tournament took place, so Quidditch season was cancelled for the entire year.  I know that Draco doesn't want me to play because that would mean I'd be against him, also the fact that I'd be on the same team as Harry Potter.  But now, I don't give a damn if it annoys him or not.  Some people would say I'd be overreacting and stubborn, but I could care less about that.

Brilliant!  How could I think about Quidditch when I should be trying to figure out how to turn a rusted piece of metal into a beautiful trinket for Transfiguration class?  Believe me, it's more difficult than it sounds.  I had to turn my focus to my studies and forget about my problems just long enough to finish my homework.  It shouldn't be this hard, right?

"Do you have a second?"

Great!  I though to myself.  No matter what I do, I will never be able to turn my attention to my studies.  I looked up from my book on Transfiguration to face Harry Potter who was standing in front of my table.  I sighed and offered him to take a seat beside me, closing my book and putting it aside.  

"What?"  I demanded as he shifted in his chair.

"Um, I wanted to thank you.  For what happened after my detention."  I snorted.

"More like torture session."  Someone shushed me from behind a bookcase, and I obnoxiously shushed him or her back.  Harry chuckled while I just rolled my eyes.  So much for it always being quiet around here.

"I feel bad that I've been ignoring you since that night, I've felt unsure about talking to you while you were . . . otherwise occupied."

"Well, you could've approached me for the last two weeks, I haven't been anywhere near Draco or the other Slytherins, if that's you mean by being 'otherwise occupied.'"

"Did you two have a quarrel or something?"  I nodded once.

"Not that it's any of your business, but he . . . despises the thought of me playing for the Gryffindor Quidditch team.  Apparently I can't play well, he refuses to teach me, and the team doesn't need me.  I'll walk into tryouts with no idea what to do."  He looked at the floor for several moments, before he finally answered.

"No you won't."

"What makes you say that?"

"I'll teach you."

"Are you serious, you'd do that for me?"  He shrugged his shoulders.

"If you want the help, sure."  I couldn't stop the smile that spread across my face, and I instinctively wrapped my arms around him, taking us both by surprise.  I pulled back only a moment later and held my arms behind my back.

"Sorry about that."  I stared down at my books with my cheeks burning from embarrassment, but Harry simply smiled.

"I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning.  Bye."  As Harry walked away, I became excited that I'd finally get the chance to play Quidditch.


From my hideout behind the bookcase, I'd watched Potter approach Sonja, and she offered him a seat next to her.  I'd seen the way she'd made him laugh, how they both spoke in hushed tones, until she spontaneously hugged him out of nowhere.  Potter's expression was bewildered at first, while Sonja was left unaware when he inhaled the scent of her hair so lightly that she didn't even notice.  But I did.  I could only make out the last words he said to her: "I'll see you tomorrow morning."

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