fifty-four ⭐ boys day out [with the kid]

Start from the beginning

underscoregeoff: damn

jawnrocha: k but like are we going to make plans

underscoregeoff: of course

pattyxwalters: I'll drop off judi and i can pick you guys up

underscoregeoff: okay
underscoregeoff: can sydney come? she really wants to get out of the house.

pattyxwalters: duh

jawnrocha: that's a stupid question geoff

underscoregeoff: smh okay im just trying to see if you wanted to keep the group completely male 😔

pattyxwalters: well considering that when all of our feminine sides come out it's pretty strong i would think it's fine to have a female at least once

underscoregeoff: jawn is the worst

jawnrocha: excuse me

pattyxwalters: lmao

underscoregeoff: i gotta go get new clothes for syd brb

pattyxwalters: okay

jawnrocha: see you

pattyxwalters: message us when you're done

underscoregeoff: wtf??????? i don't have to when you're the one driving smh YOU gotta tell us when you're done

underscoregeoff: okay bye

pattyxwalters: byeeee


i started writing on docs again and i forgot why i stopped smh

my cat is annoying my mom so bad lmfao



At the grocery store

PATTY: So what do y'all want to make?

GEOFF: Something easy.

JAWN: Well duh.

PATTY: Then maybe we should go all American style and make burgers or hotdogs.

JAWN: Or both.

GEOFF: No, no. We have vegetarians coming over.

PATTY: Okay, so then what?

JAWN: I don't know.

GEOFF: Me neither. Syd, you got any suggestions?

SYDNEY: [Looks up from her phone] Huh?

GEOFF: Do you have any suggestions for food besides barbecue that's easy to make?

SYDNEY: Pasta?

PATTY: That's it. Millennials are actually dumb. [bows down to SYDNEY] Thank you for your wonderful services, ma'am.

SYDNEY: [smiles] O-okay...

GEOFF: You're so cute. [gets a text]

JAWN: Who's that?

GEOFF: Nobody-

PATTY: Awsten. [takes GEOFF'S phone] "What are y'all doing?" What were the rules again? No talking to our boyfriends while we're together!

GEOFF: He's my fiancé.

PATTY: You know what I mean.

PATTY sees SYDNEY walking slower than them because she's doing something on her phone.

PATTY: Hey! Sydney!

SYDNEY: [pulls out her earbud] What?

PATTY: We brought you along to spend time with us and you aren't.


GEOFF: Put it away.

SYDNEY: Sorry. [puts her phone up]

PATTY: Good! Now back to discussion. I want to go to that shop we passed by earlier.

JAWN: The one called Jeremy's Adult Shoppe where the J was shaped like a cartoon co-

GEOFF: [accusingly] Jawn.

JAWN: I'm sorry.

GEOFF: Why do you even want to go in there?

PATTY: Just to look around.

JAWN: [teasing] Or do you want to get Judi a present for after the baby is born?

SYDNEY: You tell me to put my phone up only for me to hear this.

GEOFF: They're dumb.

JAWN: Anyway! Patty never answered my question.

PATTY: No, Jawn! No! I do not want to get her something.

GEOFF: He likes vanilla.

PATTY: Says the guy who- [looks at SYDNEY who's staring at him] nevermind.

JAWN: Maybe I can get something for myself. You know, for when Otto's away.

GEOFF: Jawn that's actually disgusting; you know that, right?

PATTY: Masturbation helped me until I started fucking people left and right.

SYDNEY: Please shut up.

PATTY: You're going to be talking about your boyfriend or girlfriend like this someday too, you know.

SYDNEY: It clearly still grosses me out, especially coming from you guys.

PATTY: What can I say, I love sex.

JAWN: And Judi.


GEOFF: In bed, obviously.

PATTY: Stop making things worse, peepee head.

JAWN busts down laughing.

PATTY'S phone goes off.

PATTY: Oh fuck...

GEOFF: What?

PATTY: Awsten is mad because he can't contact you and now Judi is mad at me too for the same reason.

JAWN: Haha, y'all are fucked.

GEOFF: I swear to god, are they for real?

PATTY: I mean she is pregnant, but she does act the same for the most part and these texts are in all caps.

GEOFF: Jesus Christ...

PATTY: She said that Awsten wants you to reply to him or he's going to, uh, stab your eyes out.


PATTY: They're mad.

JAWN: It's because they're sensitive.

GEOFF: Yeah. Tell her I'm not replying because it's our day free from our SOs.

JAWN huffs because he's always having a free day from his boyfriend.

PATTY: You don't care about your eyes?

GEOFF: Not in the slightest.

PATTY: Damn, okay...


they got in trouble 😳😳

yeah i know this chapter is shit but im a gamer so i spent all my time playing minecraft and making friends instead of writing


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