12. Telling the truth

Start from the beginning

"Oh...I get it. See you later." She walked away with her head down and her thoughts loud. God I felt like an asshole

I wanted to punch myself for how stupid I was being. I know we could've secretly dated and gotten away with it. I know we could've had sex and called it a 'study night' and gotten away with. I just didn't want to risk it. May was right, I'm corrupting her and vise versa. Yeah apart she's an angel who's innocent and broken. Same for I, but together we were a storm.

"Peter!" Ned shouted waving his arms around telling me it was him. I rolled my eyes and chuckled then jogged over to him.

"Hey man" I started.
Your POV

I don't need Peter for everything. Even thought he's like my best friend and the only person I trust. My thoughts rushed me as I walked down the football field, heading over to the subway.

I hopped on the subway and the doors slowly closed before immediately being stopped.

"Thank you!" This dark haired boy said to me. I didn't do anything I was just there? I shrugged it off and gave him a simple nod. He stood next to me as the subway began to move. I felt the burning sensation of his eyes on me. I was getting annoyed.

"Can I help you?" I said sternly. Obviously shaking him a bit.

"Huh?- Oh I'm sorry." He said rubbing his neck. "I'm Sam" He said placing a hand in front of himself for me to shake. I ignored it still being mad at him.

"Okay. That still hadn't answered my question." I said. He took his hand down and wiped it on his pants.

"Right, I was wondering if you wanted to be my model? For my photography class at school." This was perfect. A way to get Peter off my mind and stay away from home for a while.

"Okay why not." I smirked. "What school?" I asked making sure he was legit.

"Midtown. And if i'm not mistaken your Flash Thompson's Ex right?" Shit my past. I hate when it's brought up.

"Yeah, let's not talk about him. You to like friends?" I asked.

"No the word just spread around." Like a campfire in a forest.

"Oh. So this photo shoot, when?" I asked as I did every question before this one, I wanted to get straight to the point.

"It's like a- series event. So, thought this whole week. Starting today, if- if that's fine with you." I nodded.

"Yeah, it's fine. Just need to stop at my house. Come with?" He nodded

"Ye-Yeah" He's kinda cute.

"May! I'm home!" I shouted

"Peter with you?" She asked

"No, he's at Ned's but I do have a guest!" I replied. Sam and I walked deeper into the house and I closed the front door after us. We both sat in the chairs that went with the island in the kitchen. May came out with her work uniform on.

"Oh? Who's this?" She asked stopping on the other side of the island.

"Sam Brant" He said placing a hand for her to shake.

"Wait? Your Betty's Brother?!" He nodded. "I can't see the resemblance"

"I wanted to take Y/n out to the park for a school project. Just wanted to make sure it was okay with you." He told May.

"Of course it's okay. You seem like a good kid. Just have her back around 6 before dinner" May added. Sam nodded and turned to me.

"Ready?" He asked

"Not quite let me change really quickly" and I scurried to my room to straighten up. In less then 5 minutes I came back with my hoodie that Peter gave me wrapped around my waist. "Ready." I said as Sam stared at. "Come on!" I said joyously as I slipped to the door. He chuckled and followed behind me.
"A little to the left" Sam said as he was about to snap the photo. I slightly moved to the left a bit and he took the picture. "Wanna take a break?" He asked settling the camera around his neck. I nodded right before the sound of an ice cream cart came to my ears. I turned around and I was filled with delight.

"Oh my thor! He has the best ice cream in town!" I said before gripping Sam's arm and pulling him over to the cart. "Hi, two regulars." I said with a smile. He handed me the ice creams and I gave one to Sam then paid the man. We walked over to a bench that sat in front of a pond. "Okay? Ready?" I asked him.

"Yeah," He gave it a lick and looked over to me. I scrunched my eyebrows and leaned forward a bit.

"Well...!" I asked with excitement.

"I like it" Sam said with a smile. We took a few minutes to finish eating and once I was done I got up and walked over to the pond.

"It's so beautiful." I said loud enough for him to hear me. Then a butterfly came into sight. I chased after it. I looked back over to Sam with a smile and pointed to the butterfly. He just sat there snapping photos of me, making me blush. He was a really good guy. You don't just find those guys anywhere. He was like- Peter. Sam walked over to me. catching up.

"I got some really good photos. Want to see them?" I shrugged before he flipped throw them on his camera.

"Wow- you're really talented." I said as I quickly glanced over photos.

"And your really beautiful." He said. I looked up at him slightly. "Wait did I not say that in my head?" He said before his face turned crimson red. I looked at him then his lips. I didn't want to but it was a force that just pulled me closer and closer to him and eventually that small gash that was between was gone. His lips connected with mine. His hand slid onto my cheek making the kiss more passionate. My hands placed on his chest. Slowly we pulled away. I laughed breathily.

"I'm sorry" I said quietly. He pushed some hair behind my ear and kissed my nose.

Peter POV
(I think y'all know where i'm going with this sorry :))

Ned and I decided to head out to the park to test our drone that we built for robotics. It was soo sick it went up at least 100 ft!

"Nice! We're for sure getting an A on this." I said after retreating the drone for Ned and I. He'd been staring in a direction for a while. "What Man?" I asked looking into that same direction. It was Y/n. She was with a boy. She was staring at him and I knew that stare all to way. Then my biggest fear happens. She kissed him. It was longing kiss. My body just began to move.

I was zoned out, sped walking towards the love of my life. The faint yelps of Ned behind me couldn't stop me. Her eyes looked up to see me and all that once filled her beautiful face was gone.

Your POV

What the hell! What was he doing here!

"Peter what do you wa-." I was interrupted by him smashing his lips into mine. Even though I was pissed at him, this man was the love of my life. My soulmate. His hands hold my waist close and my hands held his face close. I know I made Sam uncomfortable. But this wasn't my intention.

We pulled out from the kiss gasping for air. When I looked over for Sam, he was gone. I was sad, Sam was actually a really good guy. I didn't mean to hurt him. I really wanted to be his friend.

"I kissed you because i didn't want him to be with you." Peter said slightly still panting. "But you kissed him, Y/n. I saw you." His hands fell from my waist. "I don't know how I should feel right but whatever emotion i have towards you wont be good. I'll see you at home." He said sternly. His voice was cold and dry. I knew since we were in public Peter wasn't gonna make a scene but once we got out it was going to be a storm.

2745 words 🖤 i finally posted <3

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