time after time

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"What'd she say?"

"The results from those tests I took last week are in."


"She wants to see me tomorrow."

"I'm coming with you."

Ross nodded. For 5 years the results were always positive but there was always that tiny part of him that broke down inside, wondering if this time, everything wouldn't be okay. Maybe this time is different.

"Hey stop giving me that look. Everything's been fine for years." Rachel took her soon-to-be husband's hands in her own.

"I can't help but think that maybe, you know."

"Shh. Everything's gonna be okay."

"And if it's not?"

She paused, not knowing what to say. It hasn't crossed her mind that they'd be rewinding back to more than five years ago if you know. But it hit her. It hit her that there in fact is a possibility that his cancer was back. That her fiancé's cancer is back.

"See? You can't even answer." Ross sighed, taking a seat on their king bed, prompting Rachel to do the same.

"Honey, look at me." She brought one hand to his cheek. "Then it is what it is. It'll be hard but, you're the strongest person I know and you're not gonna do it alone. Okay?"

Ross took both of her hands in his and rested his forehead against her's. "I can't believe how lucky I am to have you. Did I ever tell you that?"

"A thousand times." Rachel smiled.

"Not enough." Ross smiled back.

"Mommy!" Their daughter's voice along with the sound of their bedroom door opening caused the couple to pull away.

"What's wrong Em?"

"Daddy I'm mad at you!" The little girl had her hands on her hips. "Mommy it's fall! These are summer pajamas! Daddy picked these!" Her hands were now up in the air.

Rachel eyed Ross and lifted an eyebrow. He put his hands up. "She's your daughter." Ross chuckled at how similar their daughter was to Rachel.

"Alright baby girl. I'll pick something out for you, Okay?" Rachel took her daughter's hand and led her into her bedroom. Ross smiled at his two girls. Everything has to be alright. For them.


"Are you nervous?" Monica asked her brother. Her and Chandler sat accross from Ross and Rachel at the dining table while their children played with building blocks on the floor.

Ross nodded. "As always."

"I'm sure you're fine, Ross." Chandler smiled reassuringly. He had badly wanted to lighten the mood with a joke but he also knew it would make him even more nervous. The four of them sat in nervous silence for longer than comfortable. Flashbacks of the time when Ross was still reciving treatment made them uneasy. The last thing they wanted was to relive those times.

"I think we better get going." Rachel broke the silence and stood up, bringing Ross up with her. The two couples exchanged goodbye hugs. Monica held on to her brother tightly as if this would be the last time she would see him.

"I hope everything's okay." Monica whispered.

"Me too." There was a sense of sadness in Ross's voice. Monica recognized the nervousness too. His tone was all to familiar; like when they were kids and he had done something he wasn't supposed to and their parents were about to scold him. Ross felt a hand on his back and pulled away from Monica.

Rachel nodded at him and forced a small smile. "You ready Honey?"

"I think so." Ross took her hand and squeezed it.

"Em?" Rachel caught her daughter's attention causing the little girl to make her way to her parents.

"Uh Princess, me and Mommy are gonna go somewhere so you're gonna stay here with your aunt and uncle and the twins. Okay?" Ross kneeled down, leveling himself with his daughter.

"Where are you going?"

"Just the store, baby girl." Rachel kneeled down too.

"No you're not." Emma's sass caused the four adults to smile amusingly.

"What do you mean baby?"

"Because when you and Daddy go to the store, I come too!" Exclaimed the five year old. After no response, she spoke again. "Where are you going?"

"Um... Princess, your Mommy is taking me to the doctor." Ross watched as his daughter's face fall with worry— just like how Rachel's face fell when she worried about him.

"Are you sick Daddy?" She watched as her parents exchanged looks.

"I-I don't know Em."

Emma pulled both of her parents into a group hug, knowing she wouldn't get a straight-forward answer. Both her parents held on to her tightly. Ross allowed his eyes to close, inhaling the scent of his daughters long, curly, light aurburn hair. A single tear escaped his eye, and another from his fiancé's eye. "Bye Mommy. Bye Daddy." She waved to her parents as they made their way to the front door.

"Bye Princess."

"See you later baby girl. We love you."


Ross shakily reached over for Rachel's hand. She noticed how the man, her man, sitting to the left of her bounced his leg up and down and his nervous expression. Interwining her hand with his, she took her right hand and placed it on his left cheek, letting him rest his right cheek on her shoulder in attempt to ease his mind.

"Okay here it is! Sorry I took so long folks, we got a whole lot of papers down there." Dr. Moore and her usual cheery tone walked into her office, heels tapping floor, and took a seat across the couple.

"So what are the results?" Ross was anxious and couldn't wait anymore.

She looked at her patient, then back down on her folder of papers. "Have you been feeling well Mr. Geller? No symptoms?" Asked Dr. Moore, flipping through the papers.

"No. Not that I've noticed." Her lack of direct response made Ross squeeze Rachel's hand even tighter. That can't be good.

She nodded. "That's good." Still no response to Ross's question.

"Doctor?" Rachel's voice caught her attention, looking at her with pleading eyes.

She sighed, finally deciding on a packet of exactly four sheets of paper. Here we go again. Sometimes, I hate my job. "We closely examined your scans and tests and found that the tumor had begun to show again." Pausing for a second, she decided to just rip the band-aid right off. Get it over with. "Not only is it present in your lungs, but it has spread to your liver. I'm sorry Mr. Geller."

Time after time, the band-aid was once again, ripped off.


Was planning on publishing this earlier in the day but my data wasn't working >:(
Also, I am proud to say I have a finalized storyline for the entire story and upcoming chapters so expect more regular updates hehe :)

Love you guys x

Every Breath You Take : Ross and Rachel AU (Roschel)Where stories live. Discover now