Wanting Revenge

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*Violet pov*

I walk outside because I know they all are happy about being together again. I didn't want to ruin that for them. I look back and see Riku walking after me. I stop and look at him. "You were the guy with Eugene a few years ago. Weren't you?" He nod and smiles. "You both sacrificed yourselves for us that day. I never got to thank either of you. You and your brother gave up yo-" I stop him and smile. "You don't need to thank me. It was something to give ourselves a redemption. We had nothing." I look down and then walk towards him and shove him a bit and he stumbles. He looks at me worried and held sincerity in his eyes. "Why didn't you come after us?! Why didn't you look for us!? You had that chance when I met Asher again while you came to get him?!" I shove him again, basically getting in his face and then I go to shove him one more time and then he grabs my arms to stop me from shoving him again. I didn't mean to be so mean to him but I just want to blame someone for what happened. "Riku, I- Im so-" He looks at me still having his hands on my arms afraid that I will shove him again. He does something that I least expect. He pulls me in for a hug and reassures me that everything will be okay. I calm down a few minutes later and he looks at me. "You want to talk Violet?" I nod and then sigh. "I want to get revenge and kill the one that killed Jayden! She deserves it and not him! He was pushing me out of the way, it should have been me!" He looks at me "You can't let the revenge and darkness out. You need to realize that he wanted you to live for a reason. Don't be like me and let the darkness in thinking it will make you stronger, cause it will only cause you pain." "It should have been me that got killed, and not him." I look at him worried and then I hear four more people coming out. I turn and look up seeing Terra, Emma, Leon, and Roxas. Terra steps up to me. "You don't mean that. I can tell you from his perspective this was his job as being the older sibling. I am sure Leon would do the same with Emma and I know I would make sure that she was taken care of in anyway that I could. Even if that means sacrificing myself for that. He was doing what any older sibling would have done." Emma looks at me and sighs. "Violet, I was in your situation a few times. I thought that it was my fault that Terra sacrificed himself to the darkness for me. I thought it was my fault that Ventus and Aqua suffered similar fates. I know for a fact now that it isn't my fault. It isn't your fault with Jayden." I look at her confused. "You were like me? You didn't have a family?" Emma nodded and then looked at Terra, Roxas, and Leon. "My father is Xehanort. He turned evil and Eraqus had promised him that if anything had happened to me then he would take care of me. So I grew up not knowing my life was a lie, until Ventus came along. Both of us knew something was wrong so we went behind everyone's back to find out. A lot of people made mistakes, I was so mad at them, until I realised they did it to take care of me and to keep me safe. As Axel once told Roxas, sometimes the truth isn't always the best option. I found out the truth and he was right, but then I would not have met my family at all. Asher isn't mine and Riku's blood, but he is still our son. So you still have a family. You have us." I looked at her and started crying and she walked over and hugged me while I cried. Roxas looked down and I could tell that he was upset. By now everyone was out here even Avery. Riku then decides to get everyone's attention. "Since everyone is out here, I wanted to say something. We all lost someone tonight, we all are hurting in some way. We have to remember that we still have each other and that we need to work together. We lost long time friends, and we lost newer friends that we made along the way. We need to make sure that we honor the ones that sacrificed themselves for us and I know none of them would want us to feel guilty about anything that happened to them. We will make sure we avenge them, but not until we feel that it is time to do so, not angry and full of hatred." Sora looked like a mess but also decided to speak. "We know that some people who we thought we could trust betrayed us. Kairi and Xion joined them willingly. We don't know if it was just because they felt the need to or if it was to protect us. Riku is right, we can't fight angry and with hatred when it comes to avenging them." They all smile and nod. I just keep my eyes on Asher and see him mouth asking if I was okay now. I nodded and smiled. Everyone then goes inside, I went to go in and Roxas stops me. "Violet, I just wanted to tell you that you can stay with me, Sora and Ventus if you would like. I also wanted to say that I wish I would have stood up for you and your brother more. I wanted to help you both out, but I never knew how. Axel told me to get you both out of there after the other war ended. I just wanted to let you know that I am here for you." I look at him and smile. "I wish Axel didn't die. I am sorry that you lost him and Xion today. We will avenge all of them like Riku and Sora said. Now, lets go and join the others with this family bonding time." He smiles and nods and we head inside. I smile and walk over to Asher and he pulls me in for a hug. Xehanort and Eraqus smile at all of us.

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