Part 4-Getting to know him

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We arrived at my house , i opened the front door so that we can get inside and Taylor can get cleaned up. I took him upstairs and told him to clean up and have a shower and that he can leave his clothes outside the door and i will wash it for him. 'Thank you for doing this' Taylor said. I smiled and told him that i will be back with some clean clothes for him.

Taylors p.o.v

I undressed and looked at myself in the mirror . 'Oh my word i look terrible' all i could see was bone and skin I had so many bruises and cuts. I could see my ribs jotting out and thought if i hadn't done drugs i would not be like this. I got into the shower i took the soap and cleaned my body i saw shampoo and i used that to was my hair. I felt so relaxed at this moment . I didnt want to finish all the hot water so i came out. I wrapped the towel around my waist and went to the room where she was sitting ' i still dont no her name' i thought.


I had brought some of my brothers clothes for Taylor. I went to the room to find that he was still in the shower 'he's taking rather long' i thought. Has i sat on the bed i heard the bathroom doors open , I saw Taylor walk to the room . Has i looked up at him my eyes widen. All i could see was bone and skin with lots of bruises and cuts. 'What? ' Taylor said. 'Nothing, here's your clothes' i told him.  I started walking towards the door all i could think about was how terrible his body looked. I paused and turned around to look at him. He was facing the mirror. Taylor , i said . He replied with a soft and calm 'yes'. U need to take care of yourself look at all the cuts and bruises on your body. 'I know' he said.

'Addicted to it'-Taylor Lautner fanfictionDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora