why that song?

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Roli didn't came out of room till dinner...

Meena; What is this girl doing like this??? Is it right when you are doing so much for her...

Siddhant; Nothing like that maaji.. let her do.. she do it as i like it... i like it as she loves it...

Sujatha; You both are really a puzzle Siddhant...

Siddhant smiled...

Jamanlal & Meena decided to start after dinner...

Sujatha; Siddhant.. call her for dinner...

Siddhant; She wont open.. if i call.. 

Sujatha; Then who will call her Siddhant...

Siddhnat: Maaji you please try...

Sujatha knocked the door...

Sujatha; Roli.. come for having dinner... 

In a while Roli opened the door and came out...

When Siddhant looked at her.. Roli turned her face and went to have food..

Siddhant admired her expression and went behind with a smile...

He sat beside her...

Sujatha served food to all...

Siddhant took food in his hand and looked at Roli...

He forward his hand towards her and feed her...

Roli took food and also feed Sid.. though her face was still pretending to be angry with him...

Siddhant slowly forward his left hand around her and pinch on her hip...

Roli gave angry look at him while Siddhant gave mischief smile with a wink...

Siddhant was keep on doing mischief with her while having food... 

Though elders knows what was happening between them remain unnoticed...

After dinner.. 

Jamanlal & Meena waved bye and started from there...

Sujatha & Rajender went to their rooms to sleep...

Siddhant looked at Roli...

ROli turned her face against him and went inside the room...

She was about to close the door while Siddhant hold it and entered into the room...

He locked the door and looked at Roli...

Siddhant wrapped his hand around her & pulled her closer...

He kissed on her cheeks...

Siddhant; Angry with me...

Roli: Yes.. So much angry on you...

She pushed him away and went from there...

She took her laptop and started checking for messages.. sitting in the sofa...

Siddhant too sit beside her and wrapped his hand around her shoulder...

ROli took his hand from her and moved a little...

Siddhant; Roli.. 

Roli; Siddhant.. i got some works... dont disturb me.. 

Siddhant:  Keep the work aside yaar.. lets do it later...

He said moving towards her & kissing her cheeks...

Roli: No.. I cant do it later.. moreover i told you.. i am angry on you...

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