Aikatsu Boot Camp

Start from the beginning

"Tell me about it," I say as I slowly eat my apple slices. "How much time do we have left in our lunch break."

"This is breakfast," Mikan corrects. What? No, it's been a few hours since this morning, right.

"We have twenty-three minutes and forty-two seconds," Kokoro says.

"Make it last," Ryo adds.

Nico takes a loud slurp of her apple juice. "I didn't think Aikatsu Boot Camp would be this hard."

"Well it is," Kazuno says. "So let's just ... suck it up and get on with it. Only six and 9/10 days left of this."

"Nobody say anything," I say. "I just want to ... yest."

"Rest?" says Ryo.

"Rest, yes."

"Okay," the other five agree. So we eat and rest for the rest of our twenty-two minutes without saying a word.


"Your next task," Tsubasa-sensei, who has taken control of the second task, "is to climb up this climbing station we have put in." the wall nearly reaches the ceiling (at least, that's how it looks from down here) and is positively covered in plastic rocks of different sizes and colors and forms.

"Ha!" I say, much louder than I intend to say it. Everyone looks at me.

"Ah, Kizuru, think you can handle it?" Tsubasa-sensei asks.

"Y-yes," I say. Then I start to feel a little more confidant. "Yeah, I can." Of course I can! I did not climb Angely Mountain TWICE to be afraid of some ... baby of a plastic mountain.

"Well then, come up and show us," Tsubasa-sensei says. "Anymore volunteers? Nine or eleven more people would be ideal."

"We volunteer!" Mikan says, grabbing then raising Nico's hand.

"Then may the odds be ever in our favor," Tsubasa-sensei says. "Alright ... Pitsuji, Hitori, Izumi, Kazuna -" Kazuno looks up then shakes his head. I thought the same thing. "You four come up with your underclassmen. Now let's have some boys .... Diamond, Moroboshi, and ... Yuki. You know who are."

The ten of us make our way to the rock climbing wall. Tanoshi doesn't hesitate to start climbing while the rest of us are still waiting for a signal.

"Take action!" Tsubasa-sensei says.

"Okay," I say as I start climbing. It's even more important now that my pride is on the honor. Come on Ryu, it's just like climbing Angely Mountain only a lot easier.

At first I feel weird since everything is made out of plastic, but then I get used to it and realise how easy it is to climb. I feel like I'm practically jumping to the top. When I reach the top, the only other people on top are Beatriz and Tanoshi.

"Sugoi, Ryu-chan," Beatriz says.

"W-what?" I ask.

"Your fast!" Tanoshi exclaims.

"Well I've climbed Angely Mountain before so it's not really that big of a deal," I say as Nico and Mikan start to reach the top.

"We ... all ... did," Nico says as she pushes herself up.

"Angely Mountain," Beatriz says, her eyes growing wide. "Sugoi ... motto sugoi, Ryu-chan!"

I smile, happy that my upperclassmen is bragging on me. But then, seeing Tanoshi beside her, I remember why I'm kind of upset at her. It's not any better when I see S3 climb up on the wall.

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