"Well brothers can be like that sometimes, maybe he kept it from you for a reason, like to protect you or something" he shrugs getting into the drivers seat.

"Maybe" I whisper to myself before hopping into the passengers side.


I play with my hands as I wait for Jack to come, sitting on the edge of his bed. My eyes scan his plain shared dorm room as I try to occupy myself with a lose thread on my shirt. My head whips right as the door opens and Jack enters. I quickly stand up as he turns around getting a high pitched squeal from him.

"What the hell Stella" He says with a hand on his chest as I laugh at him. "You scared me" he sighs dropping his bag.

"Obviously" I laugh. My smile disappears as I remember why I'm here. I slowly walk towards him making eye contact with me.

"How did you even.."Jack begins but is cutt off as I bring him into a hug, "get in here" he quietly finishes wrapping his arms around me to return the hug. I slowly release him smiling. "What was that for?" He asks as he scrunches his eyebrows.

I shrug smiling, "Just for being a great brother" I reply. We both go to sit on the edge of his bed, comfortable with each others company.

"Hey Jack" I say to get his attention, "Is your room mate ever here?" I question as I've never met him. He turns to look at me then to the opposite side of the room. Instead of answering my question he stands up and walks to his room mates side inspecting his belongings.

My face scrunches as I see his finger coated in dust after he swiped his finger along his room mates desk. I tilt my head as he goes to sniff his finger shaking my head at his weirdness. I roll my eyes and grab my phone trying to entertain myself as Jack snoops through his roommates stuff.

I lift my head as I hear the door open and an older boy with curly hair and a cap enters the room.

"Clay?" Jack asks.

"I told you not to touch my shit" 'Clay' who I'm guessing is Jack's roommates says. Jack turns around to look at clay with eyes wide and a pale face.

"Sorry" Jack replies as his eyes quickly meet mine then look back at Clay.

"I suppose I should probably thank you" Clay says making me confused, "Because of you, I live again. I have a purpose". I shuffle closer to the headboard of Jacks bed to get as far away from Clay as possible, kinda weirded out by him.

"What did i do?" Jack questions tilting his head.

Clay smiles, "Well you figured it out. But now, now, I have to kill you" Clay says with a creepy smirk and emotionless tone.

"What?!" I yell scared with wide eyes looking towards my brother for answers.

Jack goes to step towards me but Clay mirrors his step. Jack takes another step towards me only for Clay to do the same. Before Jack can get any closer to me Clay's arm turns to mud and stretches out grabbing Jacks face, pulling him closer. I jump off the bed and onto my feet with my mouth wide open not knowing what to do. Me eyes scan the room for anything I can use as a weapon.

I see Jacks desk chair and go towards it, picking it up. I run towards Clay and hit him with the chair, it breaking on impact. My face whitens as he's unfazed and turns towards me. Clay pushes me back with a lot of force into the wall leaving a hole where I hit it.

My vision goes blurry as I see Clay leaning over Jack, his hand stopping Jack from breathing. My heads thumping as I try to pick myself up off the floor. To no avail I drop back onto the ground and close my eyes as the bright light becomes to much to handle.

Once the pain in my head starts to die down I slowly open my eyes again to see Jack doing something to Clays now mud face. I groan as I try once again to stand up, my arms shaking as I push myself off the ground. Just as I stand on my feet Clay falls to the ground letting go of Jack. My eyes squint as I look towards his rocky lifeless figure.

I turn towards Jack raising my hand to my temples trying to relieve some pain. "What the hell just happened" I asked struggling to stay up right.

He looks towards me with his eyes wide "I have no fucking idea" he says in between pants.

I squint my eyes as I stumble towards his bed. "Do you have any Advil?" I question as I sit down on the bed in too much pain to care about any actual answers.

Sorry it took so long to update, but I've been really busy with school and work that I just didn't have time to update. Anyway, I'll try my best to update as often as possible.

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