Days Off Are Supposed to be Fun

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**Another rewrite!! This is both the second and last one, so any future chapters, unless stated otherwise, are their original published versions! Chapter 3 was posted before this rewrite, so it will be the same as you've always known it to be.**

"I need a man who'll take a chance
On a love that burns hot enough to last
So when the night falls
My lonely heart calls"

At the typically welcome but now agonizing sound of the familiar ringtone, Jeremy relinquished a pained moan and shifted underneath his covers, feeling what had to be the fiftieth wave of soreness that morning rack through his body, every muscle protesting against any and all movement as he forced himself to cover his ears with his pillow. The sound of Whitney Houston's voice was like a jackhammer drilling into his temple, agitating his already aching head to the point that, though he wanted to halt the incoming phone call, the worsening migraine had pretty much incapacitated him and prevented him from actually doing anything about it. He had exponentially lost the ability to move without feeling as though he were on the cusp of death both because of this and the intense muscle cramps he had woken up to that morning, the over-the-counter medications he had opted to take doing absolutely nothing to improve his state, and his stomach felt like it was dangerously close to rebelling against him.

"Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat with somebody
Yeah, I wanna dance with somebody
With somebody who loves me"

But he knew all too well that ignoring the call would result in fallout he had no desire to associate himself with, that it would worry the boy calling sick if he disappeared without a trace all because of what might have just been a stomach bug. He always told him when he was going to be absent from his classes, even if he felt terrible, and he had neglected to do so that day. So, he mustered all of his willpower and went against his better judgement.

"Oh, I wanna dance with somebody
I wanna feel the heat
Yeah, I wanna dan-"


"Where are you?" Michael's voice was laced with worry and irritability, an edge in his tone present that showcased his concern for his best friend perfectly. Jeremy winced as he visualized the other boy pacing and running his hand through his hair, two tells that he was anxious. He let slip a shaky laugh and cracked a small joke: "If you're ditching without me, I'm gonna be pissed."

"I'm not ditching, I promise." Jeremy's words were slow and deliberate, like every syllable had to be assembled together into something that made sense with only the most deliberation. "I'm... sick or something. I dunno."

Michael's voice softened with a tiny "Oh," followed by only the kindest "Yeah, you sound terrible." He sounded genuine enough, though, and Jeremy was well aware that this was Michael's way of showing compassion in a serious situation that wasn't actually all that serious. Well, to him, at least.

"Thanks," Jeremy responded with bitterly.

"Well, uh... Are you okay? I mean, going to be okay?"

It sure as hell doesn't feel like it.

"Yeah... I'll live."

"Well, let me know if you need anything. I can stop by after school if you need me to."

An odd sort of panic rose in Jeremy's chest; he desperately wanted to be left alone, and as great as Michael was, he could be a bit overbearing from time to time. Of course, with good intention, but it was still far too much for Jeremy's state. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks, though."

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