f i f t e e n ; groupchat

Start from the beginning

baby dae

$hway Bum
We're forgetting the single most important event of the evening,
which is Dahye winning the award for the album of the year, so
can we all agree to
accept the fact that she's officially on top of the industry?

baby dae
Oh gosh

Mellow Elo
I have to say I've never seen such a young artist accomplish so much in such a short amount of time.
Dahye's like released already five distinguished albums,
all of them platinum in the US, close to twenty singles, and four EPs.
AND she's a producer, songwriter, composer, and model.
So I don't know about y'all about, but she sounds pretty fucking
amazing resume to me

Hoody Lewinski
I mean it's not like we get someone from the industry go against the odds and make history like this everyday.
The only time I saw something like this happen was
when Jay broke away from 2PM and create AOMG and
made it into the billion dollar worth company it's today

Papa Dominic's
I love my daughter for being so successful and talented.
Just like me

The Great Gray
Well no fuckin shit.
I might be a bitter bitch most of the time, but I instantly
recognize talent when I see it,
and that's just what Dahye is

Hoody Lewinski

$hway Bum
That was deep, man

Mellow Elo
I've never seen Seonghwa compliment someone before,
should I be worried or????

Papa Dominic's
I think it was beautiful

ChaCha Malone
Why do y'all always think that
Seonghwa is cold and heartless???
Lmao, the kid is actually pretty nice
and cool if you guys play black ops with him and buy him clothes and shit

$hway bum
We do talk to him normally.
He just uses his senior citizen card to make us tolerate the shit he pulls

Hoody Lewinski
Jay not that I'm trying to
bring this up
but you're older than Seonghwa

baby dae
If you guys don't stop, I'm gonna start crying. And I'm feeling too tired to even do that.
I just want you guys to know that I love you all so much, beyond words even.
I feel like I don't say that enough and I always feel so bad, but you guys are my family.
I love you more than everything else in this world.
Thank you for always standing by me and supporting me through thick and thin

loco moco
You sure you said you didn't want to cry??

Hoody Lewinski
Omg, is he actually crying

Mellow Elo
He is, Chase and I are sitting in his room with him handing him tissues
and tryin to console him

Papa Dominic's
That was beautiful, Dae

ChaCha Bear
I feel incredibly blessed to know you and be your friend, Dahye.
I love you so much, darling

baby dae
Thank you Kisok❤️ And I love you too Cha 😘

$hway bum
Do any of you have plans for tomorrow?

ChaCha Bear
Why do you ask, Jay?

$hway bum
Because we have meeting with
the guys from h1ghr literally first thing in the morning.
Since they were having fun last night and Seonghwa and
Hyukwoo got shit-faced, we pushed the meeting to tomorrow

baby dae
I LOOK LIKE A CRUSTY DONUT, I could have put on a face mask
or at least took a shower, Jay
I feel so gross from the shit ton of make up i had on on my face and the hair spray in my hair tonight

Hoody Lewinski
I'm actually on my way to your room with a bag full of my midnight
skincare routine products
so that we both don't look like cooked persimmon
that was left out in the sun for too long tomorrow morning

baby dae
Bless up😍🙏🏻

The Great Gray
You have a midnight skincare routine????
What the fuck, is that even a thing??

Hoody Lewinski
Yes sir

Papa Dominic's
It's actually what Jay and
I use to keep our gloriously handsome faces supple and young

$hway bum

baby dae
Nice to know why my face masks were disappearing literally into thin air and I was out of my favorite papa recipe creams in like two weeks.
Anyways, Hoody is here with snacks from room service and the entire SMTM Season 3 so I'm gonna go now

The Great Gray
I'm coming over

$hway bum
So am I

baby dae
Okay, but don't start whining when you wake up the
next morning with waterproof sharpie mustaches drawn on your faces and your hair shaved off

The Great Gray
Damn woman

$hway bum
Never mind

baby dae
That's what I thought

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