(Time skip)

Chinami POV

I rushed to mommy tent. I gasped, seeing her on the bed. I cried, running to her. "Mommy". I whispered. She breathed, looking at me. "Honey". She whispered, holding my hand. I cried with my father. "..my darling..remember that you are loved..and that you mean something...". She whispered. I nodded, crying. Then..I felt her grip disappear. I looked down other and saw her eyes close, no sign of breathing. I cried, hugging mommy. Mommy..

(Next day)

I was at my mother's funeral, watching them burry her corspe. I cried, hugging my cousins. Dad just watch sadly burry her. Once they were done he sighed, looking at us. "..we leave to find a new home..everyone lets move out". He said, leaving with everyone else but me. I cried, grabbing flowers and rocks and putting them on mommy grave. I cried. I'm gonna miss you mommy. I sniffled and walked away, leaving with the tribe to a new land. I wanted to hold daddy's hand for comfort but he didn't even look at me and just kept walking. I breathed, looking down. 

(Few years later)

I woke up, hearing the birds chirp. I grinned, getting change and running to breakfast. Once I did I grinned at daddy. "Good morning daddy". I said but he didn't pay attention. I breathed, sitting on the chair and eating. He's been more distant with me since mommy's death, to the point where I think he doesn't love me. But I always remembered that mommy always said that daddy was just like that. Always keeping his distant. I smiled at him. "So daddy. Yesterday I was doing my test for training and got a perfect score". I said, waiting for him to gasp and say how proud he was of me but he only hummed and kept eating. I breathed and kept eating. Maybe he was just tired from work. I heard he worked all night last night so that's probably why he's tired. 

(Time skip)

I giggled, drawing dad's picture of me and him together. Once I finished and rushed to his tent. I giggled, walking inside. "Daddy. I made you a drawing". I said, showing it to him. He sighed and pointed at the table behind him. "Just leave it there and i'll see it later". He said. I smiled, resting it on the table and stood there. "Umm. Daddy. Today is the fighting tournament for us and I was wondering if you were gonna come". I asked but he didn't pay attention to me and just kept writing. I breathed and smiled. "I hope you can make it". I said but he just sighed, and kept writing. I breathed, squeezing my hand. "So umm. Alright. I'll leave now". i said, leaving. I looked down, feeling as if I was going to pass out. Maybe he was just too concentrated...he does love me..I mean..he's my father. 

(Time skip)

I rushed to training, getting ready for the tournament. I shot my arrows at the target and grinned, looking at daddy but..he was with another boy, patting his back and grinning at him. I breathed, biting my lip. 

(After the tournament)

I walked around, looking for dad. Then I heard him gasp. I turned to him and smiled, seeing him run to me. I walked over to him but..he passed me. I turned around and saw him go up to a boy, rubbing his head and telling him he did great. I froze, watching the whole scene, a little heartbroken. I just shook it off and waited for his conversation with the boy to be over, trying to ignore my feelings.

It's been like that all the time. He never paid attention to me in my trainings or my tournaments. He never saw my drawings I ever gave him and he never really talked to me. He usually just hums or sighs in approval. I soon stopped trying to talk to him and stopped giving him drawings and stopped going to trainings and stopped participating in tournaments. My friends think i'm crazy that the chief doesn't love his own daughter but..in my eyes..it's like i'm completely invisible to him. 

I woke up, sighing, looking at my lap, walking to breakfast. Once I went inside I hesitantly wanted to say good morning but..I new he would just hum. i sighed, giving up and just went to my table and ate, staying quiet. 

(Time skip)

I was at training, shooting at my target, hoping dad was watching so I turned to him but..just say him with another boy again, smiling in approval. I sighed, putting my arrow away and walked out. 

(Time skip)

I was walking to dad's tent, holding his drawing. I grinned, thinking this one was really good. Once I walked inside I looked at the table behind him, seeing that deck of drawings I made for him on the table...untouched. I froze. I looked at the drawing I made for him. I clenched it and just walked out, giving up. I threw it on the ground and kept walking crossing my arms. Once I went in my tent I screamed, ripping my drawing of me and dad and throwing it to the groaned. I gasped, just breaking and moving things around. Once I finished I stopped, gasping for air, seeing my now, messy, broken room. I cried, falling on the ground, covering my face. 

Maybe my own father doesn't really love me..then why am I still here if I will never be loved by my own father. 

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