GET A ROOM \\ fraser x james

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{ some fluff, also sorry for the lack of accents written in, i'm a filthy american cowboy }

"Hey Al, since you're here could ya help me film a video? James has been in too many lately," Fraser asks as James scores on Alex once again.

"Anythin' to get out of this bullshit game," Alex replies with an angry huff since, as per usual, James is beating him in FIFA again.

"But I'm winning!" James says in a fake pout.

"We'll rematch later," Alex says as he drags Fraser away.

Fraser just chuckles to himself, happy he already planned a video. It should be smooth sailing from here.

. . .

Now getting to the music video, the main subject of the video, Fraser is ready to cringe. As suspected less then a minute in and it's already awful. Pausing the video Fraser is about to add his 'commentary' which will consists of him trash taking the thing, as it deserves. After a sentence or two of general complaint and slight explaining James walks into the room, Fraser not noticing as Alex just simply stifles a laugh. James swiftly stops beside Fraser's chair and ducks down to place a kiss on his cheek. Immediately Fraser stops talking in confusion as a flustered blush coats his cheeks.

"Thought number 3 was 'bout right," James says in a joking tone, addressing Fraser's flustered confusion.

"I was jokin'! You're not allowed in the video, now I gotta cut all this out," Fraser says defensively, playfully hitting James' arm.

"Fine, fine, I'll leave," James chuckles as he puts his hands up to show his surrender.

"Wait," Fraser grabs the hem of James' shirt to gently pull him back over, "C'n I have another kiss first?"

James simply smirks before leaning down to kiss Fraser's lips this time. Fraser shyly kisses back as James lingers for a moment before pulling away. "Gross! Get a room you two!" Alex says loudly. Fraser's blush returns as he stutters, clearly embarrassed and at a loss for words.

"We have one, you're in it, mate," James shoots back, leaving the room before more banter starts between the small group.

. . .

"James!" Fraser says in a angry tone as soon as Alex leaves their flat.

"Yeah?" James asks as he leans against the wall next to the door.

"Why'd you do that in front of Alex, you prick!" Fraser is clearly angry and still flustered, not like James can take him seriously like this.

"Ey, you're the one who wanted another," James smirks proudly.

"I didn't expect that! You caught me off guard! You have a girlfriend for fucks sake!"

James just mindlessly nods along to Fraser's angry rambles, feeling proud in a strange way. He knows the boy isn't actually mad at him, just confused and embarrassed. It's cute in a way. Fraser's like an angry puppy to him, you just can't take them fully seriously even if you tried. His thoughts must have wandered off completely as he's taken back to the present by Fraser carefully hitting his arm. He's rough but clearly making sure not to hurt James in any way. James hums to show Fraser once again has his attention. Fraser takes a deep breath showing that he's about to continue his ranting but James decides to stop him there. "Calm down, mate. You're wearing yourself out. Come on." This shuts up Fraser immediately, something he didn't really expect. Letting that slip aside James starts to walk to Fraser's room, knowing Fraser will follow right behind him. Flopping onto his back on Fraser's bed James moves over and pats the spot next to him. With a sigh of what seems like grumpy compliancy Fraser lays down next to him. It's not a very big bed, causing them to already be fairly close together. "I'm feelin' cuddly today, and you're right here, could we just cuddle?" James asks as turns on his side to look over at Fraser. "Fine, only because I love you, idiot," Fraser playfully scoffs before realizing the context around what he said, "no homo though." James lets out a loud laugh as he slides an arm under Fraser before pulling him to his chest. "Wait, why do I have to be the bottom? I thought YOU wanted to be cuddled?" Fraser questions, yet he makes no move to leave the embrace or simply move at all. "No, you're being cuddled because you're smaller, duh. And all I said was that we should cuddle," James corrects him as he gently rests his chin on top of Fraser's head. "Yeah, yeah," Fraser mumbles as he wraps his arms around his best friend, trying to come off as reluctant but failing horribly. Already feeling quite loved and comfortable in the embrace Fraser feels himself dozing off. It takes him a few minutes but finally he speaks up.

"I'm fallin' asleep," Fraser says in a mumble of sorts as his voice is almost muffled by James' shirt.

"Same, but it's so comfy, let's just nap," James says calmly as he moves his hand up slightly to play with Fraser's hair in hopes of convincing him to stay.

"James, it's like four in the afternoon, maybe even 5 now," Fraser argues, knowing this will most likely ruin their sleep schedules that they just fixed.

"Doesn't matter, an hour nap won't hurt. We can even put on the office," James counters him, knowing there's almost no way he can deny that.

"Ok, fine, you win. But only if you go make us some popcorn," Fraser compromises.

"Deal, you put it on while I go make the popcorn. Maybe bring some pillows from my room," James smiles proudly, he knows very well he's good at getting what he wants.

It doesn't take long for the microwave popcorn to finish and for James to pour it all into a large bowl. Not once does he think of how this is easily starting to resemble some cheesy date. He doesn't think of it at all in fact, it's simply a nice thing that's happening now. He returns to Fraser's room to find him sat up against some pillows under a blanket or two. With a goofy smile James walks over and settles in once Fraser grabs the popcorn bowl from him immediately. Once comfortable he wraps his arm around Fraser's waist, pulling him over. Giving up on acting Fraser lays his head on James' chest as he focuses on the tv. James wraps his other arm around him, only moving it to occasionally get some more popcorn for himself. After an episode or so of just cuddling together peacefully a phone ringing causes Fraser to groan. James moves slightly as he grabs his phone from his pocket before returning to his previous position. He sees its Alex calling and answers it before putting his phone up to his ear. Ignoring the call and almost zoning it out Fraser continues watching. "Hey, Al," James greets, being quieter then normal as not to bug Fraser. "Oh you're good to come back over with George? Le-" James starts to respond before Fraser butts in. "Fuck off, we're busy now." Trying to contain his laughter and the big smile on his face James talks once again before Alex can say something. "Yeah, sorry, mate. We thought you wouldn't be able to come back so we're having a nice stay-in date night," James says before ending the call and turning his phone to vibrate. Fraser has given up on questioning him and just smiles. James carefully drops his phone on the floor beside the bed and his arm quickly returns to Fraser. The popcorn seems to just vanish, when really they just ate it all. James puts the empty bowl aside as Fraser wraps his arms around him. Not able to wipe the stupid smile off his face James unknowingly spends more time looking down at Fraser then at the tv. As expected Fraser falls asleep first, it even takes a while for James to notice. James turns off the tv before moving into a somewhat laid down position. Fixing the pillows beneath him James closes his eyes and plays with Fraser's hair as he drifts to sleep himself. It all felt much more amazing then either expected. In fact, the duo will most likely do this, or at least something similar, again. Maybe they'll turn it into a tradition of sorts. The messages they'll find in the morning- and the few tweets, will definitely make James want to do this again even more. He loves how embarrassed it makes Fraser, he adores how cute he acts in such situations. Neither James or Fraser are gay though. Or at least they don't know if they are or not yet. yet.

{ part two? also requests open }

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