Nightmares of the Past

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"Charlie," he whispers and Charlie looks up at him with her eyes filled with tears.

"Oh! Race," Charlotte says, trying to dry her eyes so that she can gain back her confidence. Race doesn't say a word. Instead, he gently wraps his arms around Charlotte's shoulders.

"Charlotte, you can talk to me about your nightmares," Race whispers as he sits down next to her, his arms still protectively wrapped around her shoulders. Charlie leans into Race's touch.

"Genie," Charlie whispers quietly, "I see her in my dreams. People chase her and I never see her get away. Then the strike is in my dreams. You and Romeo and all of the other boys, beaten, bleeding, and dying. I can never do anything to help you. I can't protect anyone from any harm that they encounter." Race hugs her tighter and then he makes it so he is looking her in the eye.

"Charlie," he says, "Listen to me. I will never let anyone hurt you. You don't have to protect everyone on your own. I will be here for you and Genie did something she shouldn't have. That's why she died." 

"I know, but I wish I could have known. I wish I could have done something to help her," Charlie says. Race gently runs a hand down her cheek.

"Hey. Don't blame this on yourself, Charlie. You were too young to understand what was happening," he says and Charlie nods. The two gently hug and Charlotte looks Race in the eye.

"I'm sorry I woke you up," she says and Race shakes his head. Normally, her best friend would say something snarky and sarcastic but, not this time. For that, Charlotte is very thankful. The two turn out to look at the city. Race is holding her in his arms and he gently presses his lips to her forehead.

"If I make your nightmares go away, you can wake me up anytime," Race says to her and Charlie smiles at him. Charlie snuggles in closer to Race.

After awhile, Charlie feels better and decides to go back to bed. Race helps her to her feet and walks with her down to her window.

"You gonna be alright?" Race asks and Charlie nods her head. Before Race has time to really comprehend or think about anything else, Charlie presses her lips to his and Race kisses her back. His arms circle around her waist and Charlie's hands move to the back of his neck. The two of them stay in that position for a few more seconds and then Charlie pulls away.

"Thanks, Race. I should probably get to bed now," she whispers and Race smiles.

"Goodnight, Charlotte. See you in the morning," he whispers before bounding up the stairs and back into the bunkroom. Race falls asleep with a smile on his face.

The next morning, at the Distribution Center, the Delanceys do not leave Charlie alone. They continuously make rude comments about her and the other Newsies. Finally, Charlotte's shy exterior fades away and she snaps...hard.

"What do you have against us?? Why do you seem to hate the very ground that we walk on? If we don't buy papes, then you don't get paid," Charlie snaps and Oscar rolls his eyes.

"You are hanging around with the wrong crowd. Did you ever think of that, Charlie?" he asks her and Charlie shakes her head.

"I've never thought about it because I know that's not true," she replies fiercely. Oscar goes to lay a hand on her cheek until something or rather someone barrels him over.

"Nobody touches my girl. Especially someone like you!" Racetrack shouts as he pummels Oscar with punches. Morris starts to move to Charlie, but she throws a punch at him.  Her punch hits him square in the jaw and once Race is finished with Oscar, he starts to fight off Morris. Charlie watches nervously as the nightmares begin to play over and over in her mind. This scene seems so familiar, so much like the strike and Charlie doesn't like it at all. Eventually, Racetrack rises to his feet and a defeated Morris stands up nervously. Charlie feels the nightmares begin to fade away as she watches Race run Oscar and Morris off. Race turns to face her and Charlie smiles shyly.

"Thanks for saving me," she calls out nervously. Race smiles and waves his hand.

"It wasn't a big deal. Those creeps should know better than to put their hands on you," he says confidently, "Besides I could take the Delanceys any day in a fight." Charlie rolls her eyes at Race's cockiness. Race cups Charlie's cheek and leans in for another kiss when a voice interrupts them,

"So much for not being lovebirds." Charlie and Race turn around to glare at Romeo, who is leaning against the side of the brick building, "but then again, who am I to judge?" Charlie walks over to Romeo and ruffles his hair.

"I think we're the better set of lovebirds," she says cockily.

"Oh yeah? Prove it," Romeo says and Race quickly dips Charlie and gives her a kiss. Charlie chuckles as Race pulls her back up to her feet and she closes the gap between them again. Jack wanders down the alleyway and his jaw drops just a little bit when he sees the two kissing. Davey and Les are right behind. Les cheers and Davey quickly covers his eyes.

"Race, please keep it to a Les level," Davey says as he quickly hurries Les out of the alleyway. Jack rolls his eyes as he walks past.

"Come on! Ya can kiss later. We got papes to sell!" Jack says and he follows Les and Davey out of the alleyway. Race lets go of Charlie and the two smile at each other.

"Will ya be my girl?" Race asks shyly and Charlie grins at him.

"Of course!! I wouldn't want it any other way," she says and the two kiss one more time, which results in a huge eye roll from Romeo before heading down the streets to sell their papes. Since that night and since Race came into her life, Charlie's nightmares gradually start to fade away. Genie is someone who she still clings to, but Race teaches her to focus on the positive and remember the happy memories instead of dreaming about her friend's death. 

A few years later, Race and Charlie marry and Romeo moves into a small apartment with them. They live as one small, but very happy family. 

AN:/ HAPPY 4TH OF JULY, PEEPS!!! I guess this is my Fourth of July present to all of you guys. What did you think, LoverOfLegolas? I hope you enjoyed it!! This one was sad, but it was still fun to write. This is the last of the regular imagines that I know needed done. I may do some X Reader stuff later on in the summer if I'm in the mood for it. I'm gonna keep this brief since this is 4th of July and you guys probably don't want a super long Author's Note. To all of my Psych fans, Psych's Pineapple is going to be updated soon!! I will start working on that and some oneshots maybe and the Big Book of Newsies. Basically, if I feel like writing anything, it'll get updated. Thanks so much for reading, commenting and doing whatever it is you do!! Stay safe and have a wonderful 4th of July weekend!!! Hope you enjoyed this one!!! See you around, friends!!


Stories For the Papes -Newsies Imagines and Drabbles (CLOSED!!!)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt