My, Dog, Brother, And, Best Friend All Rolled Into One

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I remember wanting another dog after my last one, Tyko (we had to give him to a farmer because he was really really hairy and and my Papi was allergic to all the hair). I was begging my Papi for days to get me another dog (one less hairy this time). Finally he took me to a pet shelter. As soon as we got there I ran to the lady at the front desk and told her that we were looking for a dog. She led me and my Papi and sister to the dog section then she said "OK is the whole family here because the entire family has to be here to adopt a dog" I was so disappointed because it was just me my Papi and sister there. My mom was at work. We ended up having to leave the pet shelter, but then my Papi took me to another pet shelter, and another and another. It felt like they all said the same thing "the entire family has to be here for you to adopt." At this rate I thought that I would never get my dog. Then we stopped at this pet shelter. I told the lady that we were looking for a dog, so she led us to the dog section of the pet shelter. There were so many dogs there were big ones, little ones, and colorful ones. I didn't know what dog I wanted to choose. It was so frustrating I just wanted to take all of them home with me. Then I set my eyes on this dog that was in this overly sized cage. The sign on his cage said he was a male and was a Pitt bull Terrier mix (pit bulls are my favorite type of dogs). The sign also said that he was eleven months (he was pretty big for eleven months) I remember that the sign also said that his birthday was June 4th. He wasn't jumping up and down and barking very loudly like all the other dogs. He was just huddled up all the way in the back of his cage and staring at me. His eyes showed fear. It looked like he kept trying to figure out what was gonna happen next. He was so different from all the other dogs. He looked so out of place. He was the most beautiful colors I have ever seen. He was brindle and white and a little pinkish. Finally I told my Papi that I wanted that dog. So the lady took him out of the cage and led him and us to this room where we can interact with the dog. She opened up the door and me, my Papi, and sister walked into the room with the dog right behind us. She then let the dog off his leash and he ran over to me and jumped on me. I hugged him as tight as I could. Then we played with him for hours even though it only felt like minutes to me. Finally my Papi said yeah I'm pretty sure that this is the dog that we would like to adopt. Then the lady stood up and grabbed some paperwork and said "OK is this the whole family?" My heart sank. I'm pretty sure the dog knew what was happening because he stopped wagging his tail. My Papi spoke up "Oh um this isn't the entire family. My wife is at work. But today we went to about seven pet shelters and they have all said the same thing so please does the entire actually have to be here? We are just missing one person and she loves dogs." There was silence for a while. We were just waiting for the lady to respond. She seemed like she was thinking about the situation. Finally she opened her mouth "Ok you can adopt him." I was just screaming for joy and the dog jumped on me and started liking my face and his tail was wagging again. My Papi started filling out the paperwork and then we were on our way home. It all felt like a dream to me, but it was real it was really real. We were on our drive home and my dog was so happy that he fell out of his seat. We decided to name him after our last dog except spelled differently, Tyco. Our last dogs name was Tyko so this dog is going to be named Tyco it's the same name, the same pronunciation just spelled differently. So we said that Tyco's middle name will be Lucas because that's the name the shelter gave him, and of course his last name is Tomelic because that's our last name. So our new dogs full name is Tyco Lucas Tomelic. He was officially part of our family now. We then arrived home and we let Tyco explore the house. He was smelling everything and running up and down the stairs. He looked so happy at that moment. Later that day we had sort of a celebration for adopting Tyco. My Papi had made lasagna and everyone was sitting at the table me, my mama, my sister, my Papi, and my new adopted brother Tyco. Even Tyco was eating lasagna. After that we watched some TV and then went to bed. Tyco slept with me. He slept on the foot of my bed but when I woke up the next morning his face was right next to mine. It was so adorable. Everyone else was still sleeping but Tyco needed to go outside to use the bathroom. So I thought hey I'll just walk him it can't be that hard. But as soon as I put the leash on him and took him outside I was totally wrong. It was the hardest walk ever. He kept pulling and dragging me along and he wouldn't listen to me. Then the worst part came on our way home he kept circling me until the leash wrapped around my legs and I couldn't move them. Then as I was in the process of untangling myself from the leash Tyco saw a cat and went running after it and I was dragged along behind him until he finally stopped when the cat took shelter in a swear. I untangled myself from the leash and then I walked home all covered in dirt, mud, and sweat. When I got home my parents looked at me like I was crazy. Then my sister walked down the stairs and when she saw me she fell to the floor laughing. She was laughing so hard that her whole face turned red and she was doing that type of silent laugh and she was crying.... that's how hard she was laughing at me... I just went upstairs and gave Tyco a bath. It was the hardest bath of my life. He was scared of water so he kept jumping out of the bath tub and every time I would try and grab him he would run through my legs making me slip and fall. I fell like fifteen times. Finally I put towels all over the floor so I wouldn't slip on any of the spilled water. Then I was finally able to pick up Tyco (which was actually pretty hard since he was big and weighed alot) and put him back in the tub to finish his bath. I kept pushing his head to the wall so he won't be able to see a way to escape again. Then finally when the bath was over Tyco was calm again but our bathroom was a mess. The floors were drenched in water and we now had a broken toilet for all the times Tyco had pushed me into it to jump out of the bath and there was dog hair everywhere. I just sighed and got to work cleaning things. After I was done the bathroom looked spotless... except for the toliet.... it was still broken. A couple of days later I was taking Tyco on a walk and every walk before that was ok so I thought this walk was gonna be a breeze... I was so wrong. During our walk we ran into another dog walker. My dog went crazy to seeing another dog he just wanted to play with the dog right away. It was so hard trying to control him that he just started trying to pull me around, I eventually got him away from the other dog then we continued our walk like normally and returned home with no further problems. A couple of months later it was Tycos birthday, June 4th. He turned one year old. We got him bones and toys and some treats. He was so happy. A couple of more months later it was winter and it was Tycos first snow and his first Christmas we were on our way to Grandma's house for Christmas and Tyco was just kicking up the snow and rolling around in it and just attacking the snow having the time of his life. We arrived at Grandma's house and almost the entire family was there, others couldn't make it. So it was me my Grandma, grandpa, Tia Sandra, the twins Devin and Donavan, Uncle Ricky, Ayia, Tia Monica, my Papi, my mama, my sister, and my grandma's dog/Tycos cousin Moci. We ate dinner first and there was Chiken, Pork, salad, fruits, ham, soda, corn, mashed potatoes, corn bread, cake, and pie. Even the dogs ate the exact foods we ate. Then it was time to open the presents, I got a electric keyboard which is what I always wanted, then my sister got a rainbow loom kit which is what she always wanted, then my cousins got matching toy remote control race cars, then Ayia got a mini and micky stuffed animals, lastly Tyco and Moci ripped off the wrapping paper from their presents with their teeth because they are dogs. Tyco got this toy called a Kong and Moci got some rawhide bones. We had a great time watching movies and just hanging out with most of the family since all of them couldn't make it. We then went home later on. A couple of months later during spring it was a dark cold and rainy night, it was raining really really hard! My Papi had just come home from work with some stuff he bought on the way home. I had opened the door for him so he could come inside out of the rain. As soon as I was about to close the door Tyco jumped up and pushed the door wide open, and ran outside. I grabbed the leash and ran right after him. I only had on a long shirt, I didn't even have shoes on, but I didn't care I just ran right after my dog determined to catch him. I could here my feet slap the ground with every running step. I just kept running through the dark rainy night when the only source of light was by some dimly lit street lamps. I could see my dog slowly getting further and further away as his figure was completely consumed my the shadows. No no no no no! I thought to myself as tears streamed down my face. I was not about to lose my dog! Not now not ever! I couldn't lose my dog I won't allow that. Yeah he was my dog, but he was also my brother, and my best friend, I could talk to him about anything. He was there to comfort me when I was having bad dreams about some events that happened in the past. He was with me during all the hard times. He made the hard times easier to endure, he made the times that the police came over seem like it never happened like it was just a dream, he even made the times where it saw my loved ones being taken away in handcuffs seem like just just a nightmare, like it was just something in my head even though I new it wasn't in my head, but Tycos presence next to me just made it seem that way. I was determined to get my dog back more then ever now. My pace quickly quicken I could feel rocks pierce the base of my foot but I didn't care. I was pretty sure that my feet were bleeding but I didn't care one bit. I was running faster then I ever did in my entire life. I could hear barks and whining in the distance. I knew those barks and whines anywhere they belonged to my brother, Tyco... my pace then quickened again. But then the barks and whines started growing distant until I couldn't hear them anymore. I started screaming his name hoping that he will hear me and come running back to me "Tyco! Tyco! Tyco!" After about calling his name five more times I started losing hope. Tears streamed down my face like never before. I just kept running not daring to stop or slow down, instead I just ran faster. I started thinking that I would never find him, causing more tears to stream down my cheeks. The rain grew heavier not allowing me to see to well Suddenly I was knocked over causing me to land on my back. I look up to see Tyco licking my face with his tail wagging at full speed. I just threw my hands around his neck hugging him as tight as I could while I just cried and cried because I couldn't belive that I actually found my dog. I just completely broke down crying not caring if I woke up the entire neighborhood with my sobs. I put the leash on Tyco and started walking home slowly. Taking in the wonderful feeling and moment of being reunited with my brother and best friend forever, I knew that me and Tyco will be together forever from now on. We went home and my parents looked at me and Tyco with shocked faces since we were soaking wet my sister on the other hand was rolling on the floor laughing. My parents gave me and Tyco towels. I took the towel and started drying Tyco. Then when he was all dry I dried myself to. After we just sat and watched some movies while me and Tyco shared a bowl of popcorn and candy. A couple of months later we took Tyco to a dog park for the first time. At first I was worried that he wouldn't fit in with all the dogs but all it took were a couple of sniffs from each other and then they were off running and playing as if all the dogs knew each other forever. I of course went to run and play with them because I love to run with animals and play with them I was playing tug a war with two Husky's then I was running with some Border Collies then I was playing soccer with a Pit bull and I was just all over the place playing with all different types of dogs. I love my dog Tyco and I would die if if ever lose him again. I would gladly give my life for Tyco. I'm pretty sure that Tyco and I will be going on lots of more adventures together the biggest one being life. I know that if it wasn't for Tyco I would of never gotten through all the hard moments. I will forever love him he has always been there for me so I will do the same for him. He is My, Dog, Brother, And Best Friend All Rolled Into One.

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