Part5 / 2part

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Sorry about that my phone was aking weird

Last time

Miguel: Bicth😡

Alison took out a gun and point at miguel

Miguel: okay take it slowly😨

Alison pulls the triger miguel is


Alison points at alan

Alison: your next

Alan: NO WAIT😨😱😨

Alison shot alan

The next day at school

Sam: hey alison do you know were is alan and miguel?

Alison: nope☺

A hole week has past know one knows what happen to alan and miguel

Emma : Were are they

Alison: maybe they moved😇

Emma: ho ask you hoe😠

Sam: Emma can I  talk to you alone plese

Emma: Sure whats up

Sam: this may soud crasy but I think alison had something with alan and miguel

Emma: why dont you check his houes

Sam: why are you not coming

Emma im going out of town

Sam: okay

After school sam takes a look but the door was open so he walks in but as soon as he does everything goes black

Sam: shit what happen🤕

Sam looks to the left and he saw miguel dead the he turnd to the rigth were alan was dead to


Alison: Hey

Sam: WTF alison

Alison takes out a rope and choke him to dead

The next day

Emma: alison did you see sam

Alison: no I have not 😊

Alison: want to come to my house

Emma: sure

At alison houes

Alison say's if she wants a drink but it when black for alison

Emma: sorry

Emma explores the houes but she has not check  the downstairs
So she check were she foud alan,miguel,sam


That is it the story is over but the new story is coming up its calld
Help and it will continou this story get ready

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jun 30, 2019 ⏰

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