bubble bubble toil and trouble

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Elisabeth diggory POV

Ok so I now that cedi is in mad love with potter but what is are dad going to say about this. They have been dating for two months now and I'm worried that dad will find out and then cedi and potter will have to break up. That would just break his heart so bad. Maybe I should try to get cedi to tell dad and then he could try to come to a agreement I'm just so scared that there relationship will ended and he will be hart broken

Cedric diggorys POV

Ok it is going great with potter but not so great with me and my father I told him that it has been two months that me and potter have been dating and he stopped me there he was not very happy that I was dating the same sex but don't care and now my and dad aren't taking me and mom are but not dad

(Ok I get it is is a short chapter but I want to get to the next one)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2019 ⏰

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