Erebor, at Last

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An official arrival party would be held later, but the first encounter was with family and friends, not with the official staff. Ponies were left with the stablemen and the newcomers hastily led through lateral corridors not to draw attention, until they reached the royal wing. Bilbo could almost feel the difference in the atmosphere, a change that left the air lighter, sounder, and... lovelier.

"Bilbo! My good Bilbo!"

Balin crashed a hug into the hobbit's chest, visibly moved. Dwalin humpfed for his brother greeting the visitor first instead of himself, but smiled at the sight of Dís, who moved graciously into their direction, letting Fíli run to embrace his younger brother. Dís was everything Dwalin could dream about a dwarrowdam, obviously nothing he could dare to dream for himself. She was sister of his brother-in-arms, she was his own sister in a way. In a way that meant he'd never think about her as nothing more than a sister. And, like any good older brother, he'd never let anyone 'wrong' get close to her.

Thorin clapped his hands on Dwalin's shoulders, a restrained smile showing everything was all right, and that his homecoming was a joy.

"A good ride?"

"And a fast one."

The cousins looked at the ones who greeted, hugged, shouted, laughed and cried their joy; a side smile was all they both were able to share in public, at least while sober. Thorin let Dwalin's arm go and took a step forward.

"So, here is my burglar."

Bilbo stopped at the deep voice of Thorin, unable to keep himself from looking and enjoying what he saw. A smile spread on his face like fire on dry grass.


Said Thorin walked lively in the direction of the hobbit, giving a damn to protocol. Anyway, they were in reserved quarters, no protocol required, for all he knew, and he would not waste time counting how many times he gave a damn to any protocol for the sake of Bilbo. That would be giving too much consideration for what deserved none.

A whoosh of silk whipped Thorin's face and outran him in the direction of Bilbo, taking hold of the hobbit before any of them could figure out what was happening.


Dís was happening.

"So, here is my neighbour!"

"What do you mean, your neighbour? Bilbo is my burglar, since always!"

"Hah! How many times did he burgle something for you? And how many times did we share a tea and biscuits like good neighbours?" She elbowed Bilbo lightly in the ribs, causing him a discomfort that was more than physical.

"Burglary is not something one does on a regular basis, not if one has the chance, unlike having tea and biscuits!"

"Oh, yes? And how many times did you have a tea and biscuits with Bilbo, might I ask?"


"As I imagined." She turned to Bilbo with a perfect smile. "Welcome, my dear friend."

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