What Drives a Man

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Inside a large and clean colored laboratory, several different vials, beakers, containers and other lab equipment is shown. A couple sounds of beeps and boops go off in the background as the rest of the lab is shown. A small medical bed, some medical based equipment, dozens of books on biology and chemistry along with Grimm studies books and some mechanical works. Finally, a pan up shot to a picture reading "Graduation Day" on it. The picture contains four young men. From left to right: a young, Lavenza Volt, a young Arthur Watts, a young Victor Merlot, and a young James Ironwood.


The camera moves away from the picture and to a desk. The desk is loaded with dust and other chemical components. A hand reaches down and picks up a vial and pours into another one and grabs a scroll. The hand belongs to a young Lavenza Volt, whom is working on a formula.

Lavenza: The substance appears to be reactive when combining with cyclopentadiene. However, a possible inhibitor contained within the substance may actually be rendering the substance to not be at full potential. Regardless, fascinating discovery.

A video call request comes in and Lavenza looked over and smiled at it. Dr. Arthur Watts. Lavenza quickly accepted the call and the other screen was Arthur with no gray hairs and a smaller mustache.

Lavenza: Arthur! To what do I owe the pleasure?

Watts: Still on with the optimism I see.

Lavenza: Of course! Why would I not? I am on the cuffs of greatness. I wished you could be here for it.

Watts: Yes well, tell that to our dear Colonel and that council of idiots.

Lavenza: (Chuckles) You shouldn't look back on the past like that, my friend. Yes, while disgraced, you weren't exiled. You can return. I would like for you to.

Watts: Yes and return to that chamber of self-entitled, hypocritical bastards. Clearly. I would rather not waste my breath.

Lavenza: (Sighs) Arthur-

Watts: Do you remember what happened to Victor?

Lavenza: And now Merlot is running a multi-kingdom industry. Albeit, he is misguided on his studies.

Watts: Misguided? Was he not doing what you suggested and following his passions?

Lavenza: The Grimm are monsters.

Watts: Even monsters have their own biology.

Lavenza goes silent and resumes his work. He sighs and returns to looking at Watts.

Lavenza: What is that you want?

Watts: I have a...proposal. A chance for the three of us to work together again on a new project. Just like at the Academy.

Lavenza: I...I can't. I can't pack up Elizabeth and I and move down to Mistral or Vale. I'm needed here.

Watts: Are...are you insane?

Lavenza: Excuse me?

Watts: They don't care about you, Volt. You've already told me that Rockefeller had taken much of your lab. You are slowly loosing creditability over lack of results and some of top brass known your association to me and Victor. They will take you down. And you are still with her?

Lavenza: Of course. She's my wife. I love Elizabeth.

Watts: But does she love you?

Lavenza: Arthur...what are you saying?

Watts: Lavenza, you already know. You were wealthy but now you're squandering your wealth on projects you cannot get results on. Lavenza please...I am offering you a chance. And...to prove that, my...employer...will arrive at your presentation tonight.

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