Chapter 7: Orpheus

Start from the beginning

"I'll show you them when they develop fully." He explained.

"Cool." I replied, checking the time on my phone, seeing I had just enough time to make it home to get my stuff for figureskating practice.

"Figureskating" I huffed, seeing him deflate a little.

"Want me to walk you home?" He offered.

"Its just across the street." I smiled, once again amused.

"M-my dad said there's been some shady activity happening in the neighboring town." He replied. I'd let him I guessed. So I just shrugged. 

     We'd headed downstairs and I gave Marley my goodbyes. She was literally the cutest dog I'd ever encountered. Stepping outside alongside River it was nearing sunset. I was almost certain he'd had a crush on me by this point. I'd give him a chance honestly. But only if he fessed up and said something. The walk back to my house was short and ended with me and River sharing an awkward look as he seemed to be thinking of what to say. I cocked a brow and tilted my head, that small action alone seeming to give him the nudge he'd needed.

"T-thank you for today. I'll repay t-the favor soon as I can." He stammered.

"No problem." I replied breezily, extending a fist out to him.

"See you tomorrow at school?" He'd asked, connecting his fist with mine, his tone hopeful.

"Yeah." I said simply, unable to keep back the amused smile that fought its way onto my face.

      And with that he left, turning around as he walked back towards the sidewalk with a small wave. At the rink today was going to be just myself mostly. I'd be performing some new choreography for my instructor. Normally i'd practiced with an instructor. But this was just to express things in an outlet where I didn't feel pressure. Through skating I could say whatever I wanted without having to utter a word. Push my limits into something else. I couldn't pursue figureskating totally as the injuries and slow damage i'd be doing to my body would prevent me from competing at my best in cross country. Cross country was another love I had. And in addition to that I had a full ride scholarship from it. I collected my bag, heading out the door. It would be something intimate. I didn't talk with many people. But the elderly Spaniard lady who was my instructor had helped me with so much emotionally. I could credit her with being so at peace with my life. 

        Making my way out of my neighborhood on foot all was peaceful in this little town. I'd made it to the dance studio, a class leaving as my lesson was private. Mrs Estelle was a friend of family friends; the De Lugos.

"Good evening! Its great seeing you as always." Mrs. Estelle greeted warmly.

"Likewise." I sighed as I began warming up as he eyes watched my every movement.

      When I'd occasionally caught sight of my instructor I saw eyes filled with pride. She took me under her wing personally despite my inability to take figureskating as all I did. I wasn't as good as some of the other skaters technique wise. But I added a flare that was enjoyed by Mrs. Estelle. Leaps and bounds were fluid as if I were thin fabric caught in a breeze. 

"Beautiful, beautiful!" She clapped as I pulled out my phone, seeing I had been skating for roughly forty minutes.

"Thank you Mrs. Estelle." I smiled, still catching my breath.

"You should dance for us at the recital coming soon. Showcase your talents." She proposed.

"The other skaters are plenty flashy. They make it look so effortless." I said, softly declining. 

       She'd wanted me to share my talent as stated before. She knew I wasn't the best. But something modern was added to everything I'd learned. I'd considered it a few times. But in the instances talent scouts have come to our studio and saw my dances they would sometimes frown upon my modern flourishes.

"Very well. Are you jogging home like usual?" She'd asked. She knew my love for cross country and even supported that. She'd never missed a meet.

"Yeah. I have to give it my all this year." I smiled.

"You'll do beautifully." She returned warmly, resting a hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks Mrs. E." I beamed, as I helped her shut lights off in the studio.

       When I'd changed my shoes I went back to the bathroom to change. I stripped myself of my sweaty clothes, changing into my cross country shorts and a hoodie, putting my other shorts and tights in my bag to be washed. When I'd exited I came out, our schedule being something so well worked out that I made it outside just as she'd entered her car. I waved as she'd back out, the door locking behind me. I heaved a soft sigh, taking in the night around me. I started out in a jog, heading down the lengthy nature trail I ran down that took me the long way home. I'd ran this way many times. I memorized every imperfection in the ground by this point and only on occasion was I surprised. I pushed myself harder and faster into a full on sprint. I tore down the trail, wind in my hair as I pushed myself up a hill. Reaching the top I was on an overlook my peers frequented.

       Looking below waved crashed against the rocky cliff face. Some of the more reckless teens would jump from here into the ocean. A few people over the years had gotten hurt but surprisingly if could be safe. I remembered I had school in the morning, and practice tomorrow and quite a lot of miles to run. I began my descent down the hill, getting back onto the trail and sprinting on down. Though with my luck I came down on a loose rock wrong, my ankle twisting a bit roughly. I somehow caught myself, crouching down with a wince to inspect my ankle. Not broken or sprained. But definitely sore. With some ice i'm sure I could still practice just fine tomorrow.

       Taking a composing breath I figured it'd be best to just walk. So I did just that, making my way down the trail. Though something was off as made the journey back home. I felt watched? I kept looking side to side and even spun around to look behind me a few times. Though nothing could be seen. My heart had begun racing as I quickened my pace to a brisk walk, ignoring the pain in my ankle. Though I heard it before I saw it, I spun around right into a looming shadow over taking me. It fought me to the ground. Everything in me wanted me to scream. But anxiety kept my voice trapped in my throat. Though whoever was attacking me wanted to silence me anyway as a gloved hand was clasped over my mouth.  I fought and fought but my heart sunk even further when I felt my attacker pulling at my shorts, trying to tug them down.

      That is when the screams tried to leave my body. But no one would hear me. Because I was alone and because my screams were muffled by a hand.


A/N: Something wicked this way comes. What had happened to Wyatt. Or better yet. Who is doing this to him?  More will unravel in the next chapter. I could have went into detail. But I kind of chickened out and censored myself. But until next time!

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