"ashton, you know i was kidding." jack put his hands over ashton's.

ashton had a dark glare on his features. andrew had seen ashton's cool demeanor change within seconds before. he knew he should be used to seeing it by now, but ashton became a different person when his anger got the best of him. it was something andrew never wanted to be on the receiving end of.

"stay away from my sister." ashton shoved jack back into his seat before he looked over the rest of the boys. andrew watched as the evil glint in his eyes seemed to fade away within a moment. "so, what about this new shit, hmm? andrew, how you feeling? you look a little lost in space right now, bro." the boys laughed at ashton's words, the tension that was there moments prior seemingly dying away.

andrew laughed himself, sending ashton a grin. "makes me feel nostalgic."

"i said the same thing." nate smirked, passing the blunt back to andrew.

before andrew could grab the blunt from nate, someone else beat him to it. andrew looked above him, meeting eyes with a pair of chocolate orbs.

the girl smiled genuinely down at the boy. she held a sense of innocence in her eyes, but the longer he stared, the evil glint he had seen in ashton's just moments prior began to show itself.

"you mind, pretty boy?" she questioned with a tilt of her head. she put the blunt against her lips, inhaling the plant before handing it to andrew. "cat got your tongue?"

"alaska, stop messing with the kid." ashton rolled his eyes playfully at his sister.

alaska pouted, sending andrew one last glance before she moved towards where her brother was seated. "wanted to stop by and tell you to get your girl before i have to put her in her place myself, brother."

the boys all had their eyes on alaska. andrew knew it was because she left nothing to the imagination with the revealing clothes she was wearing, but he refused to look at her as an object as his friends were.

"who are you talking about?" ashton furrowed his eyebrows.

alaska could feel the eyes of the boys on her. her gaze flickered over to each one, a teasing smirk forming on her lips until her eyes landed on andrew. he was the only one not looking her up and down in a sexual sense. he kept his eyes on hers, something she wasn't used too.

ashton caught onto the look she was sending his friends. he nudged his sister roughly, catching her attention. "stop giving them the fuck me eyes. who the fuck are you talking about?"

"it's more like they're giving me the fuck me, ash. get control over your horny ass friends." alaska replied harshly, punching ashton as hard as she could. ashton tried to make it seem like the punch didn't hurt, but it had knocked the breath out of his lungs. "you know who i'm talking about."

"if i knew, why would i ask you who." ashton smiled sarcastically, trying to catch his breath discretely. "just answer the question, alaska." alaska rolled her eyes, standing to her feet. "where the fuck are you going?"

alaska didn't respond to her brothers question, just throwing up a middle finger as she walked off from the group.


andrew had subconsciously been searching for the girl the entire night. he didn't know if it was the weed in his system that was making his heart clench every time he remembered her brown eyes, but he couldn't deny the feeling was there.

alaska perez was someone everyone either knew personally or knew of. the rumors about her, along with the ones started about ashton and their family, always flew wild in their town. she was a breathtaking beauty and she knew how to charm people with her words, as did ashton and from the stories of their parents, everyone knew where the two got it from.

"you're pathetic, jasmine."

"fuck you, alaska."

andrew and nate both turned their heads to where a loud commotion was beginning to stir about. ashton clenched his jaw at the sound of his sister's voice.

"feeling the need to make rumors about my brother to make him seem worse than everyone in this fucking house thinks him to be— so you don't seem like a crazy bitch, but guess what? everyone already fucking knows, jasmine." alaska shoved jasmine's shoulders, almost knocking the girl off her feet just as the boys made their way through the crowd surrounding the girls.

"you and your brother are the pathetic ones. you and your brother, your drug addicted dadd—" jasmine didn't get to finish her sentence before alaska's fist made contact with her face.

andrew was quick to grab alaska by her waist, pulling her away from the girl on the ground. ashton had the evil glint shining in his eyes as he followed behind andrew until they made it outside.

alaska fought against andrew's hold for a moment before she went limp in his arms. a laugh fell from the girls lips.

"what's so funny?" andrew felt her head fall against his shoulder. he could smell the alcohol on her, so he wasn't surprised at the sound of her slurring her words together.

"you can let go of me now." alaska said softly, her lips close to his ear.

"are you okay?" ashton seemed worried. andrew saw the way the tough demeanor both carried seem to fade, for alaska was too intoxicated to care about keeping her guard up and ashton was too worried about his sister to care either. before alaska could reply, police sirens began to echo through the air.

"i'm too fucked up for this." alaska let out a breath, putting her head in her hands. the entire house broke out in chaos, everyone running out to get away before the cops showed.

"you gotta get her out of here." ashton looked andrew in the eye with such intensity. andrew could see the panic in his eyes. "you're the only one i trust with her, andrew. get her out of here."

andrew nodded multiple times, grabbing alaska's hand in his own. alaska pulled roughly on andrew's hand when he tried to go the opposite way of her brother.

"ash, i'm not leaving you here to get busted." alaska shook her head, grabbing ashton's hand with her empty one. "come with us."

"i can't leave nate to get busted because of me. those drugs in that house are mine. i knew the consequences of bringing them. i made my bed, sister. now i've got to lay in it. go, please. stop being stubborn for once in your life and listen to me."

alaska didn't get a chance to respond before ashton released her hand, running back inside the house. the police sirens were getting louder, the house was getting emptier by the second.

"come on, i'll take you home." andrew pulled on alaska's hand towards where he had parked his car. "alaska, if we don't go right now, we're going to be caught too."

alaska glanced between andrew and the home just feet away with hesitation evident on her features before she reluctantly let the boy lead her to his car. "okay."


i genuinely don't like this but every time i try to rewrite it, it gets worse so ah haha

cosmic ( andrew bazzi ) Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ