Gowther X Female!Reader

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This is a request from my sister. This is my first time trying to write a oneshot for the Seven Deadly Sins. If you find anything wrong with it or my grammar please tell me. Tell me what you think of it when you're done reading! :) I hope you enjoy!

   The last rays of light shine through the windows of the Boar Hat Tavern. The final customers had just left and the barmaids were beginning to clean up. One particular barmaid was wiping off the tables. Her (H/L) (H/T) (H/C) hair hung around her (S/C) face as her (E/C) eyes squinted in concentration.

   I squint my eyes as I work on this stupid stain. 'Honestly, how hard is it to not spill your drink?' I think, rubbing harder.
   "Hell yeah," I whisper, the stain finally gone. I continue to wipe the table down as my thoughts begin to take over.

   I've been traveling with the Seven Deadly Sins for a few months now. They saved me from the Holy Knights. I am an ex-apprentice Holy Knight. I didn't like the path the Holy Knights were going down so I ran away. They couldn't have me telling anyone what was going on so they wanted me dead. Luckily, the Seven Deadly Sins came to my rescue. To repay them, I've been working in the bar.
   Unluckily, I've grown a rather big crush on Gowther, the Goat Sin of Lust. I don't have the slightest clue what drew me to him, but he is now the person I'm closest to. We are together more often then not, as we do room together. We both like to spend our free time reading. He'll come to me with questions, which I find rather cute. He'll quietly thank me then wander off with a certain look in his eye, even if I can't provide a concrete answer. The news of him not having a heart didn't shock me as much as one would suspect, but it didn't change my feelings for him.
   Lately, the pinkette has been acting weird, though. I'd asked Diane about it but she brushed it off, saying she hadn't noticed anything. He's been nicer lately. He'd attept compliments(They always were off. "Your appearance is above average" or "I enjoy your presence more than others'".) He even tried to smile at me the other day. It was slightly off, but it made my heart flutter and my cheeks redden nonetheless.
   Speaking of Gowther, he had ended his conversation with Ban and Meliodas and was now making his way over to me.
   "(Y/N), may I speak with you?" he asked, coming to a stop in front of me.
   "Oh, of course." I place the rag down on the table before following him out of the door and to the side of the tavern. We come to a stop and I wait for him to continue, a small smile gracing my features.
   "You make me feel sick." The words escape his lips. The world seems to stop. My smile falls. My heart drops to my stomach and my throat feels like it's closing up. There's an ache in my chest and a pressure behind my eyes.
   "Wuh-What?" I choke out. My eyebrows furrow as I gaze up at him.
   "When I look at you I feel sick. It only happens with you. It gets worse when you look at me." His face shows no emotion as he gazes down at me.
   "What do you mean you feel sick?" My mind is reeling. I feel like I'm going to puke.
   "I get the symptoms of sickness when I see you. My stomach feels odd, my chest feels warm as does my face. My hands get clammy and warm. When you leave the symptoms seem to disappear after a little while. The symptoms get much worse when you look at me or even smile at me." He has the same innocent and confused look on his face like when he asks me a question. The pieces start to click in my mind, but I don't know if it's possible for him to love. It seems to be what he's describing, but I'm still not sure.
   "I think I might know what's wrong, but I need to know more. What do you think of me?" I need to know more. I have to be sure before I say it, or else I'll look like a complete idiot.
   "You are far more enjoyable to be around than the others. Sometimes I even find myself craving to be near you. You are amusing and your appearance is rather pleasing to me. I find that you are the most helpful with my questions, and you don't seem to get aggitated by them unlike the others. I find myself thinking of you a lot. I also seem to stare at you a considerable amount. I appreciate you, hence why I have been trying to portray that with my compliments," he finishes, gazing down at me with his golden eyes.
   "I think what you're experiencing is love." The words leave my mouth like a whisper, my eyes downcast and a slight red dusting my cheeks.
   "Love? I've read about that a lot. It seems like my symptoms line up with those that are written about being in love. Why does it feel so odd?"
   "Well, your upset stomach is usually called feeling butterflies in your stomach. I feel them even when I think about you. You face and chest are warm because you're blushing and your hands are clammy because you're nervous. I feel all of these when I'm with you, Gowther." My smile has returned and I gaze up at him with nothing but affection in my eyes.
   "Would that mean you love me, (Y/N)?" He tilts his head slightly with the question.
   "Yes, I suppose it does."
   "May I try something, (Y/N)? It requires you to close your eyes." The look on his face is unreadable, but I have no reason to deny him. I nod slightly before closing my eyes.
I feel his hand on my chin, tilting it up slightly before a warm pressure is applied to my lips. I figure out that he is kissing me almost instantly, and I begin to kiss back. I wrap my arms around his neck before we pull apart. A large grin is covering my face.
   "Well, I 'suppose' that I love you, too." There seems to be a mischievous glint in his eyes. I roll my eyes before pulling him into another kiss, much more passion in this one.

~1,059 words~

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