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I tried to look away but Pits voice was breaking me. He didn't even do anything but that girl. Her actions and Pit not even noticing... It breaking my heart.


Pit said stopping in my tracks.

"Why won't you even look at me now?"

"Why didn't you go? She was treating me like dirt. She was obsessed with you, were you just really that oblivious..." I said with a shaky voice.

"What it was all for you, I didn't see another plushy like that one! I didn't know she was doing that, I didn't really care it didn't mean anything. I did it for you Y/n... I do everything for you."

Pit said sincerely." You don't get it so you? Pit I... I love you!" I said I cried and ran away afraid he didn't love me back.

Pits Pov


She screamed and ran away, my eyes dropped she loves me? But I no I messed this up I was suppose to tell her that! "Y/n wait!!!" It began to rain.

"Pit stain she's heading to the open field. I saw you and that girl. She was hitting on you pretty hard. Y/n must have gotten jealous."

"Huh DarkPit?"

"Yea I came so you didn't mess this up. I would be hearing it from the both of you. Now go and tell her, I came to tell you were she is."

I looked back and nodded. Thanks DarkPit!" I said and sprinted to Y/n.

Y/n Pov

Of course it's raining! I just had to jinx it! I sat on the meadow and cried. I even left Pit with the thing he tried to hard to get me! I am so mean and cruel. He will never like me, even if there was a possibility he did.


I heard Pits voice calling out for me. Why do I hear his voice?

"Y/n where are you?"

I curled up and cried more....

"There you are! You scared me so much, Y/n I need to tell you something..."

I felt some kneel down to me and put his hands on mine. I peeked up and say his glowing blue eyes. "Pit why are you here? I acted bad towards you..."

"Only because I was oblivious to a girl that like me. That I didn't care about, I only care about one..."

He said cheerfully, I looked up the sun peaked out a bit from the clouds. "What do you mean?" I said trying to wipe my tears, Pit already beat me to it.

"Well I have been trying to tell you. Here you forgot this..."

He gave me my plushy I hugged it tightly...

"The only girl I see and that's worth wild is you. I... I love you Y/n..."

He said that leaning closer to me, my heart is racing again! "Pit I how can you know you love me? You I..."

"Let's see, I get butterflies you make me stutter, I can never stop thinking about you. Wanting to be with you, Y/n there is no other way to say it.  You look beautiful from inside and out. I love your heart laugh and smile. I know I love you and I... I want to ki- K - kiss you..."

He said gently pressing his hand to my side of my face. My eyes widened he wasn't to kiss me? Next thing I know Pit was leaning in to the point I felt his hot breath on me.

"If you will let me that is... I don't want to-"

I cut him off by kissing him. My heart was going crazy but this felt so right. He wrapped his other arm behind my back pulling our bodies close. I wrapped my arms around him. Sparks flew as we kissed. We parted for a second and looked at each other. We now were smiling shyly and laughed at us being goofy.

"Y/n I really do love you..."

He said bushing my hair back. " and I love you too Pit.". Then we shared one more deep long kiss. I was finally with the angel I have loved from the very start.

Pit Pov

Y/n mine and I couldn't be anymore happier... The girl I loved ever since she came into my life...

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