Chapter 1

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I don't DMC


V had just finished defeating the last demon when something whizzed past him. Swiftly the poet turned but instead of seeing a demon, the black haired woman stood behind him. Her corset top was a deep blue color while her boots where a light beige. The glowing bow in her hands matched her skirt as it showed how pale her skin was. Obsidian locks were held up in a high pony tail. 

"It seems that, we have a stow away aboard our little ship." V said placing his cane down, watching as she lowered her bow. "Yeah even though the kid specifically said that you shouldn't tag along." Griffon chastised flying beside its master. Shadow however pounded towards the girl , leaping up over rubble, the cat pounced on the woman forcing her down and causing her to drop her bow. The big cat started to lick the woman's face while the ravennete was trying her best to hold the panther back to the best of her abilities. Her laughter ringing out in the desolate town . "Yes, yes I missed you too kitty." 

Calling Shadow back to him, he asked.  "So how did this stowaway come aboard this ship?" 

The stowaway  got up and started to dust herself off.  "Well, I kinda sorta followed you after you left the house and I've been following you ever since." she explained sheepishly, a tiny blush on her face. The man hummed as he turned to leave, with the girl following.

While they were walking, V recounted the moment he met the innocent and oblivious girl beside him. 


The tattooed man was sitting on the couch, reading his book of poems when he felt eyes on him. Glancing up from his book, dark green met doe brown. A squeak came as the eyes disappeared behind the corner. A delicate black brow rose as the poet closed his book. Placing his hand on his knee waiting, wondering if the owner of the eyes will peek out from their little den. Again, the eyes peeked around the corner but hid just as quickly as they appeared. V chuckled at the cute reaction. 

"Nero, what kind of creature peeks out of the safety their den?" the black haired poet asked as said boy walked by. The boy was confused, "Whose what?" Nero asked. "The little bird whose peeking out of her nest." nodding towards the corner. 

His brows creased as he turned to look where the poet gestured. A sweat drop appeared on his head, as he saw who he was referring to. 

Sighing, Nero walked to the end of the hall. "Geez, Laura. You look like stalker y'know that." lightly reprimanding someone while grabbing a woman by the scruff of her shirt.  He dragged the girl over to V and placed her in front of him. Laura as Nero called her, looked down avoiding the dark haired mans gaze.

"Sorry about that, she's shy around strangers." he explained. "This is Laura, she has amnesia and she's really innocent so try not to say stuff that'll make her ask odd questions." he introduced placing a hand on the womans shoulder, causing her to flinch slightly as she looked to her savior. 

 "Well, since you already know her name, I'm gonna help Kyrie with the cooking. While you," he said putting his hand on her head and ruffling her hair. "are gonna keep our guest company."

She became a stuttering mess as she saw Nero walk away. Laura turned to face V again, starting to fiddle with her pink ruffled skirt. Silence enveloped them, the dark haired girl too nervous to speak. The poet was about to start up a conversation when, Shadow leapt out of his skin and pounced on the nervous girl. He quickly got up only for his emerald eyes to widen as what he saw surprised him. The demon cat, who was not fond of strangers, was licking the girls face. "

Hehe, stahp thaht it tickles!" she laughed trying to hold the cat back.

The man was in too much shock to notice that Griffon had also appeared. "Alright, alright down girl." the bird said landing next to them. This made the girl squeak and hold onto the panther. Shadow didn't mind though she did growl at the familiar, as if to warn the bird not to do that again. "Oh relax you, what's a human like her gonna do?" the bird asked. At this V, with the handle of his cane knocked the bird on the head. It cawed in mock hurt as its master, in a poetic manner, chastised him. 

She leaned in to where Griffon was sitting, blinking in curiosity. "Ne, aren't you the cutest?" she squealed reaching out to the bird. "Whoa, whoa what are you doing there missy?" the bird exclaimed as he flapped his wings, stepping back .

She gently stroked under Griffons beak in which he sighed and calmed down. "You are like a child in a wonderland." V mumbled. "Hmm, I sure love animals all of them except ants and bugs. Say how did you get them Angelo?" she asked continuing to pet them.

He looked at her surprise and confused as she only continued to smile. "And what makes you think my name is Angelo?" he asked. Laura stopped petting them, as she covered her mouth. "Oh, I-I'm sorry it's just you seem like a man that would have the name Angelo" she blushed ashamed. V chuckled again, "My name is V." he introduced amused by her bashfulness. 

End of flashback

V was snapped out of his thoughts when Laura had grabbed him by the arm yanking him back. He looked to her, though she immediately let go. A blush coming to her face. "So-sorry, b-but Nero is out there an- and he's battling this huge demon." she whispered, her tone holding fear while she gestured how big the demon is. 

The man chuckled, while he looked out just in time to see the demon, Goliath, being slammed into the the dilapidated church.  Griffon flew out and flapped around the dazed demon. It's master walking out as well, starting to recite a quote from his book. "That made my love so high and me so low." closing the book, he lifted his cane and pointed it at the idiotic demon.

Black mist surrounded the handle as Shadow leapt out, running towards Goliath, her form changing into a ball of blades. The beast fell as the shapeshifting demon leaped back transforming to its cat like features, skidding across the ground. "Why... Why are you...?" it groaned as he looked to V's approaching figure. "Little wanderer," raising his cane, "hai thee home!" bidding the demon fairwell as he stabbed his cane in between the demon many eyes. 

It groaned in pain as the sorcerer took the cane out. Like a fountain blood gushed out of the wound while the demon twitch in agony turning to dust. 

"I was afraid I'd have to pick you out of his tummy teeth." Nero jested, standing beside the poet.  The man apologized as he gestured towards his book. "Sorry, I was catching up on some reading." showing it to the boy

"Yeah .... Looks like a real page -turner." the boy remarked not at all interested. The two started talking about the Qilphoth, during this time Laura came out and started to pet Shadow.

"If Dante's alive then we'll save him as well as" Nero glanced behind, "your husband Laura!" he seethed lightly. She squeaked and looked up at the boy as he marched towards her. Getting up she began running, "Oh no you don't." the devil hunter chastised, grabbing ahold of her well tried.  

 "I thought I told you we would handle this and save your husband?" beginning to lecture her while still trying to grab her. "I-I know b-b-but, you don't even know what he looks like?" she reasoned, a little intimidated by the young mans stare. "B-b-besides , V here has been taking great care of me and I'm sure if I saw him I'd remember him." she explained running to the man, turning him to face the boy, so she could hide behind him. 

Said man turned his head to look at Laura, peeking out from behind his lanky body. A small smirk on his face, while also blushing just a tad by the contact between the two. 

Nero sighed as he stopped chasing, now standing a few feet away from the two. He was about to continue when he turned towards the sound of tires as Nico recklessly pulled up beside the three. "I know, I know, I'm late. Shut it!" she said pointing to the white haired boy. "The roads were all clogged."

She turned her gaze towards the black haired man, "Hey you must be V, huh? Hey you gonna get that?" she asked going into mechanic mode. "Ding, ding, ding right by your feet!"

Using the handle of his cane the man threw the horn of Goliath to the gunsmith. She smelled it and exclaimed she'd make something really good out of this one. Laura cringed but then stood frozen when Nico took notice of her. "And don't think I haven't forgotten about you missy." she said.

The black haired girl laughed sheepishly for she knew she was in deep trouble. V only smirked at her situation.


Done, hope you like the reedited version of this chapter. 

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