While Yun Yanli was praying, she proceeded to observe the statues carefully on her own. Although all of the statues were wearing a mask, she could tell from their figures that they were not depicting the same man.

"Is the heavenly law made up by these four men?" She could not help but question the Firmament Stone.

The Firmament Stone was obviously lost in thought, as it completely ignored Gu Xijiu's question.

Gu Xijiu knocked it gently. "Are you lost? Why didn't you answer me?"

The Firmament Stone finally reacted. "Master, the heavenly law is the law of the universe that is formed naturally. Logically speaking... the heavenly law should not possess the look of a man. I do not know why it is depicted as such."

"Aren't you the messenger of the heavenly law? Don't you know what it is?"

"Master, I only receive its instructions occasionally. I certainly do not know where it comes from or what it is."

The Firmament Stone was like a device that was connected only to the frequency of the heavenly law. Moreover, it did not know about heaven any better than her, so Gu Xijiu decided to ask nothing more from it.

She waited for Yun Yanli. When they left, she asked, "Is the heavenly law made up of four men?"

Yun Yanli shook his head in disapproval. "No, the heavenly laws can take hundreds of thousands of embodiments, not only the four men you saw."

Gu Xijiu was obviously confused. Yun Yanli had to explain to her everything that he knew about it. "According to the legend, the heavenly laws has created everything in the world. At the beginning of the universe, all beings knew nothing about good and evil. They coexisted, but fought in mutual slaughter, plunging the world into an abyss of misery. The world gradually became an evil place. Pestilence filled the world like an epidemic, turning it into a mess. The heavenly law had mercy on the world by creating an order, a rule for everything in the world to follow. Slowly, all six worlds were formed. The heavenly law will take many forms and linger in different bounds to experience different lives in order to improve the rules."

Gu Xijiu was perplexed. Was the heavenly law the creator of the world?

From what she knew, Pangu was the one who created the world by separating the sky from the earth. His body then dissolved to create everything in the world by forming the mountains and the rivers, including the flowers, plants, and trees, and even the animals. He made everything but human beings. Nuwa Empress added life by shaping the figurines by hand, thus creating the human civilization and societal institution. Some regarded the Nuwa Empress as the mother of life and the creator of the world.

Was the Nuwa Empress the heavenly law? She could not be. Pangu was the one who created the world and added the primitive elements of life to it. Pangu was the emperor who presided over heaven.

Nuwa Empress had only created a human civilization, but the legend stated that the heavenly law ruled heaven as well. Was Pangu the heavenly law, then? Or perhaps, the heavenly law was only a law, which had nothing to do with Pangu or the Nuwa Empress.

Gu Xijiu was still confused. She continued to discuss the topic with Yun Yanli.

"Those are only legends from the earth. There are hundreds of thousands of different worlds below heaven. The heavenly law has created an order for the six worlds – the Divine Kingdom, the Celestial Kingdom, the Devil Kingdom, the Monster Kingdom, Hell, and the mortal world. The earth consists of mortal beings and a small number of monsters. Whereas heaven contains divine beings, celestial beings, devils and even monsters. It is said that the divine beings are the most powerful ones. They carry out the heavenly laws and control between life and death among all beings of all kingdoms. The divine beings can live eternally and carry no mundane sentiments, implacable even among themselves. However, they are said to have disappeared, as they have immortalized in order to protect the six worlds. The Celestial Kingdom is now known as the Saha World," Yun Yanli explained patiently.

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