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I stood there frozen at the sight infront of me.I was standing in the middle of the night with that arrogant boy infront of me.My life is messed up.You guys are probably wondering that how I know this boy.Well,long story short.Last week I was in Starbucks to buy a coffee for my Aunt.I was thinking about how bad my life is when I bumped into someone.I said sorry to that boy but he was a jerk,he cursed me then I had a little fight with him and now the boy standing infront of me is that boy.

"I think I have met you before." He said,remembering who I am.

"Are you that girl I banged last night or that girl I banged in Jack's party." He asked me.I gasped.My jaw dropped to the floor.

"I am neither of them you jerk!" I yelled at him.I was already angry at how my Aunt treats me and he's irritating me here in the middle of a creepy road.What the h*ll!

"Watch that little mouth of yours kid or you'll regret what you've said" He told me.

"First of all I am not a kid and how can you call me a kid?! You're like my age maybe one year older than me.Second of all I am not your slave or anything so I will say what I want to and not regret it.You're a jerk! and always will be." I practically yelled at him.

His jaw was clenched.It was looking like he was trying to control his anger.His eyes turned black.Pitch black.I shuddered with fear.What is happening to him?! I think he have some kind of eye disease.I thought to myself.

"D-do yo-u have som-me kind of ey-e di-sea-se?" I asked him stuttering.I was so scared.How can his eye color change?! I've never listened of this type of disease in my whole life.

He didn't answer.This is my cue to leave.I said to myself.

I was leaving but he grabbed my wrist and turned me around.

"You shouldn't have said all those things sweetheart." He smirked.I knew something was wrong.I tried to tug my wrist out of his grasp but his grip was too tight there will be a bruise later.

"Don't lose your energy,sweetheart.You can't do anything now.I told you to not be too confident but you didn't listen to me,now,it's your punishment." He said and swung me on his shoulder.I tried to kick him punch him but nothing worked.He didn't flinch a little.He was just laughing.

"Let me go! I said let me go!!!" I said while trying to get out of his grip.Well,the scene here is not that bad.His ass is looking so hot like him.What?! Get out of it Bella.This is not the time to admire his ass! He's a total jerk! I was still talking to myself when he threw me in a van.

"Where are you taking me?!!!" I asked him scared of where he will take me and what he'll do to me.GOD please help me! What if he's in a mafia gang?! Oh no please GOD don't let that happen to me.I will do anything you want me to do,anything.Please help me get out of here.What if he's a serial killer? What if he's a smuggler who smuggles girls?! No,no,no! that can't happen! I was snapped out of my thoughts when I realized he was saying something to me.

"Are you here? or did you pass out? If you did then it's good for me 'cause I don't have to waste chloroform on you." He said.Wait,did he say chloroform?

"Chloroform?" I asked confused.He nodded his head and smirked.Then I felt a cloth on my mouth.I refused to breathe.I held my breath in.

"Breathe sweetheart,breathe.It won't hurt." He said to me but I shook my head.

I can't take it anymore with that I accidentally breath it in.No! No! No! What I did?!!!

"That's like a good girl." He faked an innocent smile.

Everything started to blur and I felt dizzy after that everything turned black and I passed out.


Yay!!! Cliffhanger! *Evil laugh*

Don't hate me guys.

What do you think will happen in the next chapter?

Why the eyes of mystery man changed?

Comment your thoughts and give me some opinions so I can make my story more better.

Bye guys! Take care

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