Chapter 2. Castaways No More?

Start from the beginning

" Hey Skipper- can I finally get my own room? It's so big in here!" Gilligan said, earning a hat to the stomach from his big buddy.

" Maybe if I can help you Professor, we can have it done by Friday." Skipper said.

He nodded. " I even have a task for Gilligan, I need him to collect more vines and bamboo. If we want to leave Saturday, I think with your help we can do it." He smiled.

The Skipper nodded.


Meanwhile back at camp, the girls are doing dishes and chatting.

" Oh Ginger- I can't wait to go home!" MaryAnn said as she washed the dishes.

" I can't wait. Hollywood is calling! The lights, the sounds, the men." She smirked.

MaryAnn laughed, knowing good and well Ginger would have a line of men eagerly waiting for her return. She was however, worried about Mrs. Howell- the woman had practically become her surrogate mother for she, Ginger, and Gilligan. She would give them advice, teach them things, and most importantly, she loved them dearly.

She felt sad for her and hoped she and Mr. Howell could make up sooner rather than later. Especially since they were about to hopefully go back to civilization.

Ginger noticed her go quiet and knew exactly what was on her mind. She knew Mrs. Howell and MaryAnn were close, and she too loved the older woman dearly. She had gone to her a few times in confidence for advice on things.

" Why don't we see if she wants to join us for a walk- I'm sure the fresh air will do her good." Ginger suggested. MaryAnn agreed and they went to go see about her in their hut.

Upon arrival, they saw her breakfast laid outside the hut untouched, which was odd. This was the second morning that her meal was left uneaten.

" Maybe she is still asleep." Ginger said, gently grabbing MaryAnn's shoulder for support.

" Maybe you're right Ginger. It's just unlike her to not eat anything." MaryAnn worried.

The two headed in, to find Lovey sprawled out and fainted on the ground.

" Ginger, stay here with her and I'll go get Professor!" MaryAnn said.

She ran right out of the hut as fast as her legs could take her, hoping the men were back from working on the rescue attempt.

" PROFESSOR!!!!!" She yelled.

No answer.

She kept yelling his name, until Thurston Howell emerged from the supply hut, both angry his quiet breakfast and stock hour on the radio had been interrupted, and he was concerned.

" What in the name of J.P. Morgan is going on out- oh MaryAnn it's you, Is everything alright?" Mr. Howell asked the worried brunette.

" Mr. Howell! Oh thank goodness, I need Professor. He went off with Gilligan and Skipper and I need to find him. Mrs. Howell- we found her passed out." She said, forgetting momentarily in her panic the two weren't speaking.

When Thurston heard that, his stomach dropped. He was worried. He hoped Lovey was alright. He began to wonder if it was a ploy, after all, it sounded like one to try and get the two back together. As he looked at MaryAnn, filled with concern and worry, he knew she wasn't making it up.

" I'm right behind you." Thurston said.

He followed MaryAnn until they reached her hut. Thurston swiftly ran passed Ginger, Skipper, and Gilligan all dumbfounded to see him standing there and out of his hut.

" She's in there." Gilligan said pointing to the girl's hut.

Thurston quietly opened the door to find his wife being examined by the Professor. The Professor turned to see who had come in to find the Millionaire, keeping his distance as he looked over Mrs. Howell.

The professor turned back to Lovey and she nodded to signify she was fine with him being in the room. The professor left without a word and waited outside.

Thurston walked over to his wife's bed. An angelic expression was on her face as he sat down.

" Lovey my pet, are you alright?"

She nodded, still smiling and glowing and grabbed his hands in her own. She was happy to have him here.

" Thurston-my darling, we're going to have a baby." She said beaming.

The millionaire, still grabbing his wife's hands, looked on in shock.

" Say that again?" He asked, not believing he heard right.

" Thurston, after 26 years, we finally get to have our own child. Your future Harvard man." Lovey said, still glowing and grinning.

" Lovey, you mean it? You and I? A baby? Oh by George...." he exclaimed. Shock filled his body. They were a little older, and how it happened, he knew how it happened, he was just shocked. Of all the times and places, it was happening here and now.

" I'm so sorry for being a ninny and behaving Yale man. Can you ever forgive me my darling? I feel just terrible. You must hate me." Thueson truly felt bad. He never liked to admit he was wrong, however, in this moment he was willing to apologize because he didn't want to lose his wife or their impending little tax deduction.

" Of course, Thurston. I love you and I can't lose you. Baby Howell loves you too. Let's never argue again." Lovey said. Thurston nodded and hugged her close, being very gentle. He kissed her cheek.

He couldn't believe he and Lovey were finally going to be parents. Their parents had both been begging them for years to give them grandchildren. They tried and tired and spend thousands only to hear the doctors all tell them it would be a miracle if they ever did have children.

It was an old hurt for them of course, but seeing their sisters and brothers have families and their friends on the social register with their children at outings like the ballet or opera, or the Harvard club was still a painful reminder of what they didn't have. Up until the past 3 years of their marriage as age started creeping up, it created quite a bit of unspoken tension, resulting in Thurston spending longer hours at the office, and Lovey getting more involved with charities.

The business trip to Hawaii was both a business trip for Thurston and a chance to save his marriage. Being shipwrecked had saved him in a way. Despite all the bickering they did, he still loved his wife deeply and it showed him what was most important in life.

Thurston pulled away from his wife after a few minutes, causing her to worry. Was he mad?

" Thurston- What is it?" Lovey asked.

" Well, um...we're having a baby and we are trapped on a deserted island." He said before fainting.

" PROFESSOR!" Lovey called.
Thurston came too, with the Professor and Skipper standing over him and Lovey at his side holding his hand.

He looked down and saw teddy in his arms and smiled.

" I brought you teddy Mr. Howell." Gilligan said with a smile.

" Thanks my dear boy." Thurston said sitting up.

" Mr. Howell- I'm sure all this news has been shocking. I was waiting to tell you and Mrs. Howell, but, we will be leaving the island this week. I've been working on a raft that will be safe for all of us and sturdy enough to last to get us to safety." He said.

Thurston shot up, " You mean we will be going home? Lovey will be alright?" He asked.

Professor chuckled and nodded. " She's going to be just fine. We all leave Saturday." He told the Millionaire.

Thurston looked over at his wife and she offered him a smile.

Home, at last!

......... TBC.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2019 ⏰

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