Part 3: Crowley & Aziraphale

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it only took me three years but i finished it wooo!! i also ordered the book so i can. read it. anyway my take on their relationship was crowley always knew what was Up with aziraphale like ofc hes in love w crowley look at him. look at the way he looks at him. but crowley goes tOo FaSt FoR hIm so he was waiting for zira to say something. and thats what i THINK. anyway glad for this to be up and out there, it was a delight to do writing again bc im pretty busy otherwise and its fun to write these two, theyre kinda nuts. anyway enjoy!!


The meeting was awkward at first, to say the least. Neither would make eye contact long enough with the other to make headway into their conversation- in fact, the extent of it was definitely, "Things went well?" "Yep. Still alive?" "Yep."

Aziraphale swallowed nervously and asked, "Anyone around?" Short, clipped.


Silence, then both turned to make almost peripheral eye contact, Crowley reaching out an unsteady hand as Aziraphale does the same. Crowley's too focused on not sweating through his clothes to notice Aziraphale's blush as they grasp hands, then shudder imperceptibly as they switch back, both taking the time to stretch when they're back in their own bodies.

Aziraphale doesn't quite know what's up, but notices something different about his own body, then shakes his head to ignore it. Crowley's doing the same thing, and he can almost feel something in his-

Huh. Maybe the angel did a little exploring, or he hadn't fixed his body up well enough before giving it to the angel and now his angel knows-

He coughs then, interrupting his own train of thought and impending panic attack, hoping Aziraphale won't notice. Aziraphale's having his own crisis, the story of getting Michael to miracle him a towel and asking for a rubber duck dying in his throat as he realizes what's different about his body is it feels... sticky.


Fuck, Crowley thinks, distract him, no body talk-

"Could I tempt you to a spot of lunch?" Cool, okay, we've still got it.

The question pulls Aziraphale out of his spiraling train of thought and he gathers what's left of his sanity to joke, "Temptation accomplished!"

The implications of this sentence are either lost on Crowley or he ignores them, getting up to start swaggering towards a restaurant.

Crowley has other thoughts on his mind, actually, wondering exactly how he's going to get his angel to admit to what he's definitely done in his body.

"Have a fun time down in hell?" he asks, slowing to the angel's pace.

Aziraphale starts, then smiles and answers, "Yes, actually. It was odd that the archangel Michael was down there, though."

"Right, I saw one of the demons up with me in heaven. Really cemented their side and the end of the war, though," and our side, Crowley thinks that which needn't be said.

Aziraphale's lips curl up and he says, "Yes, I suppose it did."

"Guess we didn't need all that time though, yeah? Your bookshop's being back was a little miracle of Adam's, I'm sure. I went back there- wasn't sure where else to go."

Aziraphale is delighted, and responds, "Yes, the Bentley's Adam's miracle as well! We must thank him somehow."

"Ah, you went to my flat?"

"Yes. You have the most beautiful plants-"

Crowley spins towards Aziraphale, eyes narrowed behind his glasses. "You didn't talk to them, did you? Say anything angelically encouraging?"

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