Chpt. 2

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Me and Marcus made our way to our cafeteria table where I planned on breaking some news to him today and I'm not really sure how he's gonna take it.
"So.....I was thinking of running this year" I started off.
"That's great, I didn't know you were even doubting, is everything okay?" Marcus asked
"I'm thinking of running as President this year Marcus" I quickly said
He was quiet for a bit then raised his brows, and said "president ? Do you mean vice? You were always right on my side running our class together"
"And we still will be running our class together, just hoping this time around you'd be on my side" i said looking right at him
"Well" Marcus said before he was cut off by the bell "well that's the bell we'll talk about this later okay?" He said reassuring me and giving me a small peak on the lips and got up
"Wait !" I grabbed his arm, "Do you know what tomorrow is?" I asked him while raising an eyebrow and letting out a smirk
"It's your birthday! And I actually have a early gift for you if you would let me take you somewhere after school?" He asked me while grinning.
"Okay and just where May that somewhere be ?" I asked while wrapping my arms around his neck.
"It's a surprise" Marcus answered
Damn it he knows how much I HATE surprises
I made my way down to Mr. Bows history class, just as I was about to pick up my worksheet Melo came in running barely beating the bell.
Somethings never change
Bringing me to a flashback of us in Jr high.
Young Sasha: "Melo were gonna be late if we go this way"
Young Melo: "we got like 3 good minutes before the bell ring, come on"
Young Sasha: "this gotta be peer pressure" I said laughing
As me and melo we're taking the long way to class, we heard the minute bell.
Young Sasha: "oh my gosh is that the minute bell?! You know I can't get no tardies!"
Young Melo: "you're on the track team right"
Young Sasha: "yea but your not" I smirked and took off without him.
We beat the bell by a second after us bumping into multiple people and me trying to say sorry to each. Melo was out of breath.
Young Sasha: "damn boy aren't you supposed to be like our number one basketball player or something" I asked, teasing him "get it together" I said as I kicked his leg
Young Melo: "ow!" He exclaimed, "I'm gonna kill you" he threatened me
Young Sasha: "I think you have to actually be able to catch me first" I said
Young melo: "okay lighting McQueen" (that was his little nick name for me) and with that he chased me in the class
Young Sasha: "melo stop you're gonna get me in trouble" I said laughing as I ran around in class
Mr. C. : "That is indeed correct, take a seat now. And Sasha I know your dad wouldn't like to know you're running around the class now would he?" Our math teacher said, raising his eyebrow.
Did I forget to mention my dad makes it his duty to reach out to all my teachers. Every. Single. Year.
Young Sasha: "no sir, I'm sorry" I apologized taking my seat
Young melo: "it was actually my fault, I started chasing her around. And when you see you're being chased any logical person knows to run away so the only Ms. Sasha is guilty of is being a logical thinker wish is actually a good thing when you think about it.." He rambled on trying to take off the attention off of me.
We taught each other that
Mr C. : "okay I get it go sit down now"
Young Sasha: "thanks Mr. Melo" I whispered to Melo and flashed a smile.
- end of flashback-
The rest of the day went by pretty smooth, I was sitting in my car about to chose a song to play, when I got a message from Marcus

- end of flashback-The rest of the day went by pretty smooth, I was sitting in my car about to chose a song to play, when I got a message from Marcus

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What is this boy up to ??
— this story uses a lot of flashbacks

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2019 ⏰

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