Ladies First-Short Story One (Unbelievable)

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     My first reaction was of course excitement. But then suspicion flooded through my brain.
"Why would he do that? This is literally just some random cafe, he won't actually show up. Plus, how do you even know that he said he was coming?"
"God, you're skeptical. I know he's coming because on my way here I saw a limo and fans around it. I took a closer look and low and behold-Tom Stanley Holland."
"Holy shit..."
I just looked at Petrina with a sense of excitement. Thankfully, the rest of the cafe hadn't heard our conversation, so Tom's cover wasn't absolutely blown. I adjusted my hair and frantically searched for a mirror.
"Oh god, I actually look like a frog that got eaten by a rebellious moose!" I said to Petrina. They just rolled their eyes.
"Oh my god, you always do this! Remember when I took you to meet Mandy Gonzales? You freaked!"
"Ooh, true...does my makeup look good? I just got this huge zit,
like, on the right top corner of my forehead, and my concealer was NOT cooperating..."
"Ahhhh! Just chill the fuck out, it's fine!" They half-yelled. The entire cafe would've looked over at us...but they were too busy staring out the window...for Tom had come up to the cafe.
     The noise level in the cafe went up tremendously when Tom entered. He came in with two bodyguards, and a crisp 5 dollar bill in hand, probably for coffee. I couldn't take my eyes off him. And yes, I know that sounds cliche, but...I bet you wouldn't be able to take your eyes off him either.
     Petrina shrieked, but for some reason I couldn't make a sound. He was nothing other than mesmerizing. It seemed like some sort of crazy plot point that would never happen that does indeed happen in somebody's lame fanfiction.
     Tom smiled that carefree, bright smile and ordered his coffee. Sasha just stood there, mouth agape and eyes wide. I giggled at her face.  Tom noticed the laugh and looked over at me. I blushed a bright scarlet. Tom smirked with a playful sense dancing in his big brown eyes.
"Hi...I'm Tony."
"Nice to meet you, Tony.  Like Tony Stark!"
"Of course!!!"
"You seem happy...I like that." Tom responds, the smirk slowly turning into a warm, slightly amused smile.
"I'm always happy..." I responded, smiling nervously and looking at Tom, attempting to soak up every moment. Every moment I've got him in front of me.
"That's dope...hey, this might seem weird, and I get if you don't want to come with me, I'm not gonna force you, but...would you want to come back with me to my hotel room? You seem cool... just super cool."
I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Tom Holland thinks I'm cool? This has to be a dream. I nonchalantly pinched myself. Hard.

Turns out, it wasn't a dream.

"Yeah, sure, definitely, I'd love that, actually!!!!!! Also, I LOVE YOU." what I was going to say. But my better judgement came out with-"Sure, that sound sick."

     Tom grinned and held out his hands in front of him as if to say "ladies first." I grinned in return and led him out of the cafe.
     Suddenly, I remembered Petrina. I looked back at them, wanting to make sure they were cool. Petrina just gave me a dorky thumbs up, and beamed a megawatt smile at me. As I turned around to continue going with Tom, I saw out of the corner of my eye a look of pride on Petrina's face. And with that I went with Tom to the waiting limo while he ushered me in.

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