Containment Breach

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The infected form(s) were based on ari_cyanide's amazing art, which could be found here:

So, this is an infection AU from Outbreak, and it has scenes that some might consider messed up, like non-consensual infected sex. Yeah, I was in a dark mood when I wrote this a year ago, nowadays such idea wouldn't even cross my mind tbh. But I wrote it and I don't hide it either. So if those scenarios upset or offend you, I unerstand, and I urge you to press the back button and go no further.


By the time the helicopter arrived to Hereford base, Jäger was exhausted. It was weird to not be the one piloting it, but that would have proved difficult with his injured leg. Doc had done an awesome job, but he occasionally felt jabs of pain in the stitched wound, and the Advil he'd taken wasn't doing shit.

The only good thing about having been injured was that he'd been of the first operators to get back from Truth or Consequences. It had been surprisingly quick. Doc fixed his leg, and he was put in quarantine for observation. Then, in less than twelve hours Doc and a woman he'd never seen before gave him a quick check up before declaring he was clean, and next thing he knew Ash wanted to talk with him. Her smile and words of " Glad you made it out Jäger" warmed him more than the news he was going back.

His GSG9 friends, Blitz and IQ, were waiting on the landing pad, smiling and cheering at him when he jumped down the helicopter. Pain flared up his leg and for a second Jäger thought he'd fall down, but he managed to remain on his feet. Then he noticed Bandit was there too and Jäger's face lit up like a Christmas tree. Blitz and IQ rushed to him, and Monika threw her arms around his neck, teary eyed and babbling about how worried they all had been. The only one not crowding him was precisely the one person he had missed the most. Bandit stood about four steps away from everyone else, looking at them with a bland expression. Noticing their eyes upon him, he crossed his arms over his chest.

"I don't see what all the fuss is about, he's still standing on his own." Bandit's words were met with a disapproving frown from Blitz and a sigh from IQ.

However, Jäger was too tired to react in any way. It's not like he had expected anything different, truly. They might be fucking on a regular basis, as Bandit put it, but that was it apparently. Sometimes it felt like there was more to it, but Bandit seemed allergic to even the smallest displays of affection. Except on some occasions, when he had Jäger lost in pleasure beneath him, and then Bandit would look at him softly and kiss him breathless, whispering soft praises as Jäger inevitably reached his peak. But showing his gentle side in front of the others? Out of the question.

Waving Bandit's comment aside, Jäger limped past him and made his way to the base. Blitz accompanied him to their common room, hovering over him like a mother hen ready to offer help if he needed it. It was nice, albeit a bit too much for Jäger to handle now. All he wanted was some peace and quiet, since he was tired enough to contemplate going to sleep right now. So after reassuring his friend that he was okay, really, he was finally left to his own devices, but not before Blitz also hugged him.

Ten minutes later he was lying on top of the covers, weighing the pros and cons of getting up and taking another painkiller. The sutured wound felt like it was on fire, he probably shouldn't have jumped down from the helicopter like he did. He was still thinking about it when the door opened again and Bandit strode in, hands in his jacket's pockets and looking nonchalant.

"What do you want?" Jäger sighed.

Bandit came up to the bed and sat down next to Jäger, cupping his face with one hand looking at him with what was best described as a murder glare.

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