Chapter 2

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A/N: No one is reading yet but let's hope that changes soon enough. Let's jump in, shall we?
I took out my notebooks and English books as well as my very organised pencil case. You see this pencil case is THE pencil case that everyones needs. It zips open like a book with a middle flap. On the left side I had my pens, pencils and my highlighters sorted following the colours of the rainbows. On the right side I had small miscellaneous things like my rubber, pencil leads, rulers and some post-its. I love being organised and I didn't miss a chance to show that in my day to day daily life. I just always got that satisfaction when everything was clean and sorted out.

After admiring my pencil case a bit and reorganising some pens that had fell out of their place I felt a movement next to me. I ignored it since I thought the guy was just changing his sleeping position until, I felt a pair of eyes following my every movement. I tried to ignore it but after a while I couldn't help myself but look.

A guy with bright green eyes and chocolate hair was now making eye contact with me. He was wearing an oversize sweater that at first glance would make him seem slender, but you could still make out some muscles and notice that he was athletic.

After an awkward amount of time passed without any of us saying anything that seemed like ages, even though it was probably a few seconds, he sat up and started straightening his sweater. I didn't know what to say to him. Should I just ignore him or introduce myself? And if I do that, do I start by my name? Do I even say my full name or just my first name?

My train of thought would have crashed if he didn't take initiative like he did. I was actually very thankful for that, until he actually spoke the words that had left his mouth.

- You are weird.

I honestly froze and ended up staring with my mouth open. If we were in a cartoon you would have heard my mouth bumping to the floor. At this moment every impression I had or was developing about him did a spectacular U-turn. He was actually so rude and he honestly seemed like the bad playboy type? How did I know that you may ask? You know how this type of guys move like they are superior and everyone owns them? He was exactly like that. And not only that, while I was staring he was giving me the 'you are welcome now do something about it' look.

Before I had the chance to throw something smart at his face the teacher walked in and everyone went to sit to their place for the lesson to start.
The teacher, a middle aged man, that for a change came in the classroom and greeted us with a huge smile, looked around for a bit like he was checking for something.

- Looks like everyone is sitting next to someone and no one is left alone, right? So well then, good morning everyone. I would like to start my class this year by informing you that this will not be the lessons you are expecting. I like to do interactive lessons were the students help each other out. Of course if something is not clearly understood I'm here to help, that's my job after all.', he clapped his hands together and looked at us full of excitement and expectations, 'So, look on your partner next to you because they will be your partner for the next of the year.'

I couldn't help but grunt. I always used to have so much luck with those things. Like last year, my lab partners were one of the popular girls that even though worked during classes, never had time to do anything outside of school, and a guy that did nothing altogether. It was my worst physics year and I was absolutely miserable since I had to do everything by myself. It was no fun at all.

The teacher quickly changed the subject and was now talking about some practical agreements for this year. I looked next to me to see what he was doing and maybe to find a chance to find out his name. After all it would be rude to have a nameless partner.
He had his head on his backpack that was laying on our desk and was looking very uninterested in front of him.

- My name is Anne. What's yours?, I whispered.
No reply.
- We I will just call you hoodie.', still no reply.
I went to open my mouth again but I decided agains it since anything I would say would be fruitless either way. Like him i just looked in front of me at the screen, hearing the teacher but not actually listening and cursing my unlucky luck.

The bell rang and it felt like an angel was singing in my ears. Let me be honest, the teacher seemed pretty chill and nice actually. For once I thought the class wouldn't be as boring as the previous years. It was actually my partner that was troubling me.
With that thought I went to my math class following the schedule they gave me. Math was my favourite subject and in comparison to all of my friends I always headed to class with a big smile on my face. I loved math. I never had difficulties with it and I always enjoyed solving difficult problems. Even though I love the lessons, first lessons of each subject were practical agreements so I had my sketchbook to sketch a bit to pass the time. This time I chose to sit alone in the back since I didn't want any unwanted stares on my back.

Without noticing the time had passed the bell rung for the second time today. I grabbed my things and headed outside to find Ella.
She was sitting with her previous friends but as soon as she saw me she stood up and headed towards me. She could tell just by looking at me that not everything was peachy.
- What happened?, she asked with a slightly concerned tone.
- I had English first class today and my partner sucks', I replied with a slight grunt.
- Ouch, who is he?
- I don't know, he only said that I'm weird and then he didn't answer me when I went to introduce myself.
- Well, to be honest, you are a bit weird and we both know that', she chuckled a bit.
- I know, but still, it's not something you tell someone right out of the bat', I complained, 'Oh my god, that's him, behind you, sitting on the bench, making out with that girl, like disgustingly making out'. I had a look of disgust on my face. Not that I hate kissing, I wouldn't know either way since I've never had a boyfriend, but there is always a time and place for everything. In the middle of the schoolyard during recess was not the time and place.

- You are kidding right? You don't know who he is? Of course you don't, because you don't have a social life outside your bedroom. He moved here during summer. I've heard rumours that you really don't want to get involved with him. Apparently he smokes, drinks, always gets into fights. His name is Aron Parker if I remember correctly
- And ladies and gentlemen, this is my English partner. Yay, lucky me.' I said in my most sarcastic tone.

The rest of my school day wasn't exciting, like at all. I kept sitting in the back, drawing on my sketchbook and minding my own business. I caught myself a few times thinking about him but I deleted him from my head as soon as possible. Let's hope those English classes wont be so disastrous.

A/N Second chapter is done. Ouf. I'm actually really nervous about this novel especially since it's my first serious one. As always, any polite criticism is welcome and I hope you enjoy. Also tell me if the chapters length is okay or if they need to be longer :3

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