Robot AU

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Written By: FamousBloodiedPottah

Today I was walking home from the bus stop. It was raining, and I was walking across a wooden bridge nailed together. I know, stupid idea, but I didn’t care. I slipped and fell. On the way down I landed on a nail and then continued to slide a little. I didn’t care tho, because I didn’t feel a lot of pain. I pulled myself up like I always do and continued my trek across that god awful death trap. Then I walked into my house. “Home alone again,” I muttered to myself, almost as though I didn’t expect it, but I did.

I slipped my shoes off, put my school stuff down and went to change into comfier clothes. As soon as I pulled my jeans off I noticed all the blood and many holes torn into and embedded in them. “Dammit, these were my favorite pair too!” I exclaimed in an anguished tone. After throwing them away and putting on some shorts, I sat down to look at my kneecap and assess the damage.

“Fucking great, I am gonna need some stitches and those hurt like a motherfucker,” I complained to the air. Then, I saw something, a metallic glint in the lighting. Was that a wire, I thought to myself. “Bloody hell, there is nothing but blood and wire, where the fuck are my bones?! Well, not that I think about it, this explains a lot of aches and pains I’ve been having,” I ramble on to me, myself, and I.

I waited a couple of hours for someone to return home, and explain what the fuck was wrong with me, but no one came. Eventually it hit eleven and I said screw it. I got a sewing kit. Digging out needle and thread, I got to work. I screamed like a little crybaby bitch, but I was finished in an hour. Then I just sat twiddling my thumbs. “Where on god’s green earth could they be?” I questioned the air. With no response I huffed and rolled over to think until they arrived.

Getting fed up, I started coming to my own conclusion about the wires. I could be half robot, someone that was preserved in the past, to bring back in the future, or I could be from another dimension. Turns out I imagined it all. I don’t go to school anymore, I am twenty three and I live in a mental ward. I am a bipolar schizophrenic that stuck 3,619 needles in my body, and I had a hallucination about everything. I didn’t fall, I didn’t wait for my parents, and I didn’t get off the bus. However, I did give myself stitches when I didn’t need them.

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