Chapter 1

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In the small town of Millport, unfortunately, there's not a lot of guys to choose from. All of the cute ones are jerks and the ugly ones are the sweetest guys you could ever meet. A boy named Tyler Lucas moved to our school from a town about 30 miles away. My friend Ansley instantly fell madly in love with him. Well, my 7th grade year was over and it was now time for the summer to start. My friends texted him asking for him to text me. He texted me and told me how pretty I was and that he liked me, so I started to like him back. This was right after a guy that I liked texted me and then just stopped, so I just let that go and moved on. Me and Tyler texted more and more and started liking each other a lot more than we thought we would. He finally asked me to go to the movies with him, but when I got there with Ansley, he brought two people instead of one friend, Michael. I had no clue who the other friend was. When me and Ansley nervously started walking up to theater lobby to meet the boys, the unknown friend turned out to be a boy that Ansley liked. We finally learned his name and found out that he would be moving to our school. The friend, Jace, was pretty annoying when we first met him because he had no filter. We finally walked into the movie and sat in the front row. The movie was about half way over and Tyler hadn't said hardly anything to me yet. You could tell he was just as nervous as I was. He finally grabbed my hand, which broke the ice with both of us. He then leaned over about 20 minutes later and gave me a kiss. All of the butterflies that were previously in my stomach returned, because that was my first kiss. So I just smiled and continued watching the movie. When the movie was over, I was so ready to get home to see if Tyler would text me. I was afraid he wouldn't like me now that he had hung out with me. I finally got a text saying "I had a great time with you tonight, would you and Ansley like to go to the movies again tomorrow with me and Jace?" I texted back, excitedly, "yes, I also had a great time tonight and I cannot wait for tomorrow." The next day had finally come and we sat almost in the exact spot as the previous day. He held my hand, just like in the last movie. He also leaned over to kiss me, but this time, he started to make out with me. I just thought I was nervous with the first kiss, but now, being that I had no clue how to make out, I was nervous. I think I made it without getting embarrassed, but I'm not sure how Tyler felt about me. When we left the movies he assured me that I shouldn't be embarrassed that I was a great kisser and he would not judge me for anything.

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