I love you three thousand

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She frowned at the text "the fuck?" she mumbled again before she opened the messages: 

"I miss you!!"
"I'm gonna have you again. Sooner or later" 

Tracy pursed her lips before she sighed. She gulped nervously and illegibly, she texted "who are you?" .
She waited for an answer. Her heart was beating fast as roadrunner running away from the coyote. Her face was pale. 
"I think you know who I am" her phone bleeped revealing that message. Tracy's frown got more confused and scared. Could she tell her dad? Could she work this out herself? She let a tear slip before she decided and texted back.

"No. Sorry. I don't..." 

She saw the dots moving indicating that the other person is texting. Her pulse was rising.. her heartbeat was going a mile a minute, her face turned pale... sweat conjuring her whole face and chest. 
"I'll give you a hint..."  this person messaged. 

"You're gonna leave me baby boo?"  this message sent again. Tracy's eyes widened... she was shooketh... she dropped her phone on her bed before she ran out of her room and stopped in the kitchen.
"hey baby.." Tony said with a smile before he seen her in that state.. his smile disappeared before he rushed towards her  "are you ok?" he asked, worry evident in his eyes as he cupped her face in his hands. She shook her head and ended up crying in his shoulder. Tony immediately embraced her in his arms and just held her there. "what happened?" he asked softly while his hands were gently brushing her beautiful long brown hair. 
"I.. I got an anonymous message... turns out... i...it was my ex... boy... ex... when I found out I was lesbian and told him... he didn't want to let me go... he hated the fact that I was lesbian... He wants me for himself... and.. he somehow.. he somehow managed to find my number." She said with a teary eyed look. 
Tony's eyes narrowed and hardened "How about I'll talk to him?... and when I say talk..." he said with a threatening tone. Tracy shook her head. "No! No! Just.... I just hope he doesn't track me down and locate me" she said with quivered tears. "if he will... I'll be ready to hunt him down.. all you need to do is just press the reactor and I'll come for you" he said to her his hand went back to her cheeks with a soft reassuring smile. "I love you three thousand" he spoken softly at her with a smile that says it all...
"I love you three thousand times infinity" She replied with a weak smile. Tony grinned a bright and toothy grin before kissing her head "That's gonna catch on!" he said happily. Tracy softly chuckled before she cuddled against his chest.
"come on baby. Lets delete those messages. if he bothers you again. We will locate him and scare him off. Ok? you and me... maybe,also,  with the help of the hulk."
Tracy laughed and nodded "alright. I love you three thousand" she told him with a soft smirk. Tony grinned again "and I love you three thousand times infinity" he replied. "see? told you it will catch on!" he said playfully. Tracy giggled in response... that's the thing about her... with her father... she always feels better. She knew she made a good move and decision to find him after the loss of her mother. She'll never regret it. 

*Few weeks later* 

Tracy was minding her own business in her own home. It was quite for a couple of weeks. No messages from creepy ex. Everything was going swimmingly.
Tracy was watching TV, eating a snack. Tony was in the garage working on something he will need for the future. When the doorbell rang.
"Jarvis! who is it?" Tracy asked tensed up. 
"It's a boy, Miss.Stark" The robot answered making her hair spike up with fear. "Description?" Tracy asked with shortened breaths.
"Black long hair, blue eyes, pale complexion, and ear-rings on his ears and face" 
"fuck!!!" Tracy exclaimed before she got off the couch and went to the garage and turned off Tony's AC/DC. 
"Do not turn down my music again please!" Tony said in a sigh and annoyed tone. 
"He's here!!!" Tracy exclaimed not giving a crap about the music for now. Tony slowly turned with a frown. "your ex? how?"
"I don't know!!!! he must have tracked me!!! what am I going to do?!" 
"Well first thing you should do is..." a loud crash was heard. Tracy squealed and jumped... Tony's face fell serious and angry "stay here princess" he said raising his arm up and locking her in there. 
"Dad!!!!" she said banging on the glass door separating the garage from the stairs to go in the living room. "DADDY!!!!" she screeched still banging the glass with the palm of her hands. The glass was bulletproof so she couldn't break it with the amount of hits she was giving it.

"Hey!!! Kid!!! May I help you?" Tony yelled in sarcasm as he approached the boy who was in the living room area. The boy turned to face him "Well Well... Mr.Stark... I'm here for your daughter... where is she?"
"She's not here!! You wasted your time!! So if you leave and never come back, I might not be a threat to you!!" 
"You sick bastard!! where's Tracy?!?!?!" he asked now raising a gun in the air. Tony's face turned into a glare before raising his arm in the air "If you leave... you won't be in any trouble. Just leave... and leave me and my daughter alone... if that's so much to ask..." 
"I'm not leaving without Tracy!" the boy cried.
"Hey! Kid! what's your name?" Tony tried to ask and change the subject.
"Ethan! Now where is she??!?!"
"She's not here, Ethan" Tony repeated. 
"You're lying!!!" Ethan yelled in persistence. 
"Yeah! Sure!" Tony spoken with sarcasm "Listen kid, She's Lesbian! Get over it!" Ethan glared and pressed the trigger... Tony yelled at the hit on his shoulder. 
Tony glared deadly at the boy "Now, you've done it kid" he gnarled before the suit came in and blasted him off. Tony struggled to get up with a forced grunt. He walked to the probably out cold boy in his front entrance. "Jarvis... clean this up. and call a taxi service..." he said in a low voice as he glared and stared down the possibly unconscious kid. He let out a heaved pant before he walked back down to the garage to find his daughter worriedly pacing. He opened the door which attempted to make Lucy turn heads. 
"oh god! what had he done to you?" she asked through tears, her hands ghosting his shoulder. 
"It's just a graze sweetie, a little alcohol and bandage, would fix. He's a horrible shooter" he said through a chuckle. Tracy cried softly into his normal shoulder. "I'm so sorry I got you into this" she sobbed out. 
"hey hey hey. I'm fine sweetie. It's just a graze." he oozed placing both hands on both her shoulders.
"I can't believe he almost shot you!" she cupped her mouth, trying to muffle her cries, eyes still glistening with tears. "I'm alright princess. Look at me... I'm still whole." Tony reassured her "come'ere" he pulled her gently in  his chest and pressed his lips against her hairline, feeling her shivering sobs wet his shirt. He softly sighed "I love you baby girl. Don't worry about it" Tony whispered again peppering another kiss on her temple. Tracy sniffled and tried to joke with "don't you mean... 'I love you three thousand'?" with a soft weak smirk through his chest. Tony chuckled widely nodding his head "yes. Exactly, baby" he said pressing her closely to him. 
"Well I love you three thousand times infinity" she said and cooed now officially calmed down in her fathers embrace. Tony continued to hold her like his life depended on it... she was his daughter... his baby girl... he lost her twice.... he's not gonna loose her again over some obsessive ex boyfriend of hers and as always... a daughter will always need her father... no matter what. 

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