(;゙°'ω°') Babies & Brides - chp. 3

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I walked into my kitchen looking for something to eat that would satisfy my cravings, but found nothing but a couple of donuts and pickles. "It's normal for pregnant ladies to eat pickles and donuts together, right?"

I took them in stuffed everything into my mouth, I was eating for three now.

I still haven't told Moto Moto about my pregnancy, but I will, and he will be just as happy as I am.

I was beyond over joyed when I found out the news, I knew I had to be pregnant after what he had did to me.

I felt something drip down me leg, my water broke.

I didn't need a doctor to deliver my precious children, I chose to do it myself. I was successful. One by one my babies popped out. And it was tears mixed with blood everywhere.

Just then when all three were delivered Moto Moto has decided to pay me a visit, little did he know I wasn't the only one he needed to pay a visit to.

"What the hell!? Where'd you get kids from!?" I smiled at his silly question, "From you silly! Their yours!" He froze in disbelief, he had a sad, disappointing look on his face which I did not expect, wasn't he happy to have my children??

"No! I refuse! I can not have kids with some random girl, we aren't even married!"

Random? How could he! I'm the love of his life!

"Well let's get married! Then you'll be their father."

"Oh okay that seems reasonable."

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⏰ Недавно обновлено: Jun 27, 2019 ⏰

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