Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

  People begin murmuring, “A lord? Nothing at all?”

  Jon shakes his head, “It's not important.”

  “Not important?” Lyanna takes another step forward until she's in the middle of the room, “We named you King in the North.”

  People in the room begin cheering, “You did, my lady. It was the honor of my life. I’ll always be grateful for your faith. But when I left Winterfell, I told you we need allies or we will die. I have brought those allies home to fight alongside us. I had a choice, keep my crown or protect the North. I chose the North.”

  The cheers quiet down and turn into a murmur. Lyanna moves back to her seat. Tyrion stands up and walks to the center of the room, “If anyone survives the war to come, we'll have Jon Snow to thank. He risked his life to show us the threat is real. Thanks to his courage, we have brought with us the greatest army the world has ever seen. We have brought four full-grown dragons. And soon, the Lannister army will ride north to join our cause.” People grumble and yell out indistinctly, “I know, I know, our people haven't been friends in the past. But we must fight together now or die.”

  Sansa clears the throat, causing the ruckus in the room to quiet down, “May I ask, how are we meant to feed the greatest army the world has ever seen? While I ensured our stores would last through winter, I didn't account for Dothraki, Unsullied and four full-grown dragons. What do dragons eat, anyway?”

  Before Daenerys can answer, Donner, speaks, “My lady. Or sister I should say. There are numerous food stores around the north that we have been able to collect by people more than willing to give. We can add them to your current stores. As for the dragons. Three of them are able to hunt in the forests and plains nearby. The fourth is able to fly into the Shivering Sea and find its own food.”

  Sansa only gives him a slight head nod. Before continuing the meeting.

  Later that day, Daenerys walked with Donner as he pointed out places in Winterfell, “Your sister isn't fond of me.”

  They both stop and turn a corner, “She just doesn't know you. Northerners aren't fond of outsiders. She hated Jon then we were growing up. She wouldn't include him in anything.”

  I understand that she doesn't need to be my friend, but I am her queen. If she can't respect me--” Three Dothraki Bloodriders ride up to Daenerys. She speaks in Dothraki, “How many today?”

  The first Dothraki Bloodrider moves his horse closer to speak, Only eighteen goats and eleven sheep.”

  As soon as the men ride away, Donner sighs, “They're barely eating aren't they?” He asks in the common tongue. Daeneys nods, “I'll have Robb bring in some food from the Shivering Sea. It won't be warm, but your children can cook it.”

  Daenerys and Donner walk until they make it to a flat clearing. Drogon and Rhaegal stand on either side of a large pile of bones. Above them, Robb and Viserion are flying in no determined direction. Drogon and Rhaegal growl softly as they approach, “They don't like the North, do they?” Donner asks once he sees them.

  She touches Drogon's nose and Rhaegal looks at Donner, eager for attention. Donner only sighs as he walks towards the large dragon and places his gloved hand on the dragon's snout. He watches as Daenerys climbs onto Drogon's back and smiles, “Show me the North?”

  Donner shrugs. He lets out a loud whistle and Robb flies down to them, followed by Viserion. The dragon allows him to climb onto its upper back. Robb proceeds to lift off while chittering to Viserion, almost as if he were having a conversation. Daenerys watches and smiles before leaning forward, causing Drogon to follow suit. The dragons continue to fly higher, leaving Rhaegal and Viserion on the ground.

  Robb turns side to side as if to show off, causing Donner to nearly fall off. The dragons continue to fly until they fly over Winterfell and the soldiers outside. People on the ground stare in disbelief as they watch the dragons fly.

  The sight if the snow-covered ground before them. The landscape looked peaceful as they flew which put Donner at peace which was noticed by Daenerys as she occasionally looked at him.

  Drogon flies ahead to Rhaegal and continues higher before nose diving. Rhaegal follows after his brother. They continue calmly before reaching a canyon, where the dragons dive straight down before flying along the canyon floor.

  Once they were out of the canyon, Robb turns off, so Daenerys instructs Drogon to do the same. She lands next to Donner. Donner and Daenerys both dismount from their dragons and walk away together from the dragons, “I always love the thrill that comes after riding a dragon.”

  Daenerys let's out a soft laugh as she takes notice to the large waterfall in front of them, “If we stayed here, do you think anyone would find us?”

  “The Night King would probably send wights to find us. Rhaegal and Viserion would find their mother within a few hours if she went missing.”

  Daenerys only chuckles as the two walk closer to one another, “Would you like me to take Robb to the Shivering Sea. I'll have him bring something back for your children.”

  “Later,” Daenerys says softly. Donner pulls her in and kisses her. Drogon starts to growl softly while Robb lays down.

  They smile and continue kissing. Each other's embrace. Seeing that there was nothing else to be done, Drogon lays down alongside Robb.

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