Chapter II

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Kayn's P. O. V

I sit in my room, quiet, trying to meditate. I heard floor boards creaking, coming closer and closer to my room. Master Zed opens the door with a bag in his hand.

"Kayn, i have a favor i want to ask."
"A favor?" i ask confused.
"Yes, could you bring this to Shen?"
Argh.. this punk forgot his stupid things in Master's room.
"Could you, Kayn?"
"Y-yes!" i shook my head snapping from my thoughts.
"You know were he lives, right?"
"Ahh yes, " a smirk formed on my face "and also remembering were he lives wont be bad!" i wanted to laugh right there. This will be easier than i though.
"Yeah. Here. Give him this. Anytime this day it will be ok."
"He is always home on Tuesday?"
"Yes, why?" oh, Master... if you'd knew what i have in mind....

I simply shrugged and take the bag in his hands throwing on my bed. I will give it to him this afternoon. I cant kill him today, i would look suspicious.
Trying to figure out what to do until i go to Shen was actually harder than i thought. I was thinking i should go have a look in the weapons room. Thinking of witch, i didn't yet pick a weapon for me. As i approach the door, i heard a deep, strange voice coming from inside. It couldn't be Zed's, I'd recognised instantly. I open the door and saw a scythe.

"Another child?" the weapon complained.
"Who are you?" i ask.
"My name, is Rhaast. And im being trapped in here." he said with an annoyed tone. "Now, who are you mortal?"
"Im Shieda Kayn." the scythe started to chuckle.
"Another Zed's student. I see."
I walked near Rhaast. Picking him up.
"Are you the Darkin Scythe?" i questioned.
"Yes, and i have powers that you could never understand. Now put me down!" the Scythe yelled.
"Keep your voice down! Someone might hear."
"Oh kid, only my possessor can hear me. But you're not the one, aren't you?"
"Why not? I was looking for a weapon." i try to imagine a fight to see how Rhaast can be useful.
"The show already began? So boring. But i don't think you are capable of handling me child."
"Well i think i am. Right now, i have something to do. You are coming with me."
"Are we killing someone??" Rhaast said with excitement.
"Not now. But soon, we will."
I walk out of the room with Rhaast in my hand. I was going in my room. I think i should go now to Shen. I put Rhaast on the bed and left with the bag.
"Im leaving Master!" i announced.
I left the temple and tried to remember where this ass leaves.
I think it passed half an hour since im trying to figure out the right route. I finally think that i found it. I knock at the door. And there he is. Standing in front of me, with no sign of regret whatsoever.

"Ah Kayn, thank for bringing me this. Wanna drink some tea?"
With you? Never. But I'd like to have a look around your house tho.
"S-sure!" i put on a shy act.
I enter inside, such a tidy person. Its almost disgusting. I sit on the couch waiting for him while im looking around. I got bored since its taking him kinda a lot to make some simple tea. Such idiot.
"Shen? Are you here?" hmph.. he's not in the kitchen. What is this man doing? Im heading somewhere, i think it's the bedroom. I knock on the door.
"Shen? Are you inside? Are you alright?" arghh why did I accepted his stupid tea party invitation.
He opens the door. He has now different clothes.

"Sorry, i just changed. Wanna make the tea togheter?" he smiled.
"Yes." i simply said. Im not that interested in spending time with him.
We walked in the kitchen and i was looking for some cups. Finally found two. I fill them with water and gave them to him.
"Hey Kayn," he pause, taking a moment to think of what to say. "do you... love someone?" i widened my eyes in surprise at his question. Should i tell him yes? Hmm lets see where he wants to get with this.
"Yes, i do. Why are you asking?" i forced my face to form a smile.
"Love, such a weird thing isn't it? Its really confusing." what is your real intention? "i love someone too, but im just a second choice for them."
"How unfortunate... why do you still love them then?" what is this feeling that i have for him? Is it...pity?
"Oh look, the tea is ready." I see what you did here Shen, don't change the topic.

"Thank you. But i think i should leave now. I will take the tea on my way. I had a nice time with you Shen. Bye!" i wave. He waves back and smiles.
Was he talking about Master? Is he his lover? It has to be... I can't let he be his second choice. I wont let him be not even the fifth choice for him!

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