Great just what you needed jenny to figure out where the fuck you lived that crazy bitch.

You pulled her behind you like an extra caboose on a train a heavy caboose. There was 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms upstairs. The walls were creamy everything was clean, nothing was on the walls, nothing was clouding the stairs. "did my mom get bored and clean the house " you contemplated in your brain. You weren't sure which room your mother would be in. You decided to start with your room. However something red caught your attention. You look down to see your stepping in a puddle. Next to this puddle is a wine glass. "shit" you mumbled

"mom where the fuck are you" you yelled stepping out of the puddle now leaving redish footprints

You stopped taking your sweet time and you started running with April you opened every room and every bathroom but she wasn't in them, until you reach the last room on the right, your fathers old room. You and Aprils breathing was hard from the sudden burst of running, as if your mind sprung into life realizing its possibilities.

You go in there to see your mom staring out the window, you let go of Aprils hand and you drop the knife that you were holding so desperately "what the hell mom you scared the shit out of me and April!"

Your mom doesn't even turn and look at you. You walk up to inspecting her. you grab her arm and she bats your hand away. Your roughly turn her to you to see a horrific sight. Your mother has a gash above her brow that was freshly dripping blood, black and purple suffocated the surrounding area of wound. you could see the throbbing in her head as more blood came dripping down her wrinkly face She seemed stressed her hair was a mess like it hasn't been brushed , and not only that she had bruises, everywhere all along her body not just her precious head , it was like someone painted the prominent colors along her body for fun. but this was reality, you were hopping she was a canvas only being touched by paint but you knew other wise. You knew someone with a cruel heart laid their disgusting malice hands on your mother.

"what happen you were fine this morning, who stopped by" your sudden tone in voice made both april and your mother shutter.

"June you must leave." croaked your mother her throat drier tan the desert barley being able to communicate.

you could see the pain in her eyes, desperate, she tried her best to protect you but it never came good for her. She reminded you of a momma bear trying to protect her cubs from awful poachers, but the result was the poacher got your mother.

"who the fuck did this to you! did dad come back? Because I swear to fucking god I will fucking kill him" you growled

"june get out." your mother said sternly trying to not display any pain

You ran into your dads room to see your mom sitting on his bed crying, "what happen mommy?" wiping away her tears trying to hide the fact she was hurt

"why are you purple mommy?" you were small you didn't understand , the only thing your little mind could grasp is that daddy did it. why wont mommy stand up to daddy. you were very worried for your mother. Your mind state was incompetent.

"mommy?" all you wanted to do was help

all you wanted was to see her smile

all you wanted was to see her happy

you just wanted to be her little girl

Your mother turned to you and her tan little hand collided with your cheek "GO AWAY JUNE didn't I ever tell you to mind your damn business"

" ITS NOT MY FAULT YOU DONT STAND UP TO DADDY!" you ran away scream crying while holding your cheek that burned as hot tears whent over it , it felt like her hand was still there, griming its way into your flesh. her eyes burned their way through you as she watched you run away.

"fine you want me to leave so bad don't expect to see me ever again" you growled grabbing April hand and slamming the door behind you guys. Tears clogged your eyes from gaining permission to your vison

you turned to april " i am so sorry you had to see that lets just go get my stuff and go back to the dorm" you sniffled

she nodded "do you still want to go to that party tonight?"

you nodded " of course" maybe this will cheer you up

You and April walked into your room, you grabbed 3 backpacks and a suitcase "so basically just throw everything in them I mean everything and Ill sort it out when we get back to the dorm ill handle my jewlery thou."

"damn you have a shit ton of stuff" she murmured

you laughed at her statement she was right you did have a ton of shit "I used to not have the best stuff when my father was around he believed that all women were shit he wanted a baby boy, and I did not fit into that category, as you can tell. so once I got a job I starting spending money to make me feel better about myself again"

April stopped what she was doing and made her way to you, giving a sympathetic smile, a strand of hair covered her face before she begun discussing her past as well "I don't have parents. They were both junkies and my mother wanted to abort me but my father did not."

"he Knew that they couldn't take care of me but he thought it wasn't his decision determine whether I should live or die. He was still shit don't get me wrong but he talked my mother into giving birth to me then giving me to an orphanage. He knew he didn't have the patience, he knew he didn't have the time but he still wanted me to grow and live my life." you watched as her eyes traced the pattern in the wood.

You carefully threw your arms around her neck and yanked her into your bubble. You engulfed her in a hug enjoying the touch. Not aggressive. You earned for that. Letting your new dear friend go you looked into her eyes to see a tear finding its way to let itself free. This pained you.

"hey lets finish packing then we can go to the dorm and get ready for the party?" you questioned

she nodded wiping any tear away that was close to falling.

The rest of the duration at your house was quiet, just as quiet as you came in. There was no tension just thoughts, confusion and sadness lurked into your air.

you grabbed the suitcase before making your way to your bathroom. Before placing them in the bag you carefully checked all the bottles to properly make sure they were closed you didn't need another problem to happen today. you were kind of glad that you were leaving. you loved your mother but she happen to be bipolar from time to time but today has pushed you over the edge.

Someone had the audacity to make its way into your house, and cause harm to your mother, Just for her to cause harm to your emotions. If she was upset she ended up making you feel that way too. Quickly packing the rest of your bottles. you systematically places your toothbrush, razor, and tooth paste in plastic bags to pack as well. Looking at your suitcase seeing it almost bubbling over the edge gave you satisfaction, almost done, almost gone.

you closed your suitcase bringing it to your room to see April shoving in the last of your shoes, man did you love shoes, you had mostly sandals but you had a couple heels, pairs of boots, a couple pairs of Jordan's and vans. The sight of everything being packed didn't make you feel sad at all "if she wants me gone ill be gone" you whispered kind of hoping April didn't hear.

Taking one last look at your room and your bag, you formed a grin" okay lets go its another 20 min to get to the dorm" then we need like an hour to get ready and shit, what time is the party?' you questioned

"well it starts at 11 and its only 5 so girl we have plenty of time"

That was the first time you heard April actually speak since she has gotten into your house. You slid a backpack on your bag, while grabbing the suitcase. April grabbed the last two bags and you guys made your way to the staircase. Turning your head to slightly look at the room you noticed something in the white door, a boot print.


Also are these chapter too short? Because I hate short chapters but then I hate too long of chapter I am very

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