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All Valkyrie saw was a flaming object plummeting from the sky. She was quick enough to gather her wits and ordered her people to run for their lives. The spaceship like object crashed into the port. Just a few feet shy from hitting the water which would have saved her days of repair. The queen couldn't really see what exactly crashed. From where she is standing she could see that half of the port was wrecked and whatever hit them may still explode considering the amount of smoke coming off of it. A couple of minutes passed and the smoke and dust started to settle. She confirmed that it was some sort of an escape pod. Judging on its size, it could fit one or two grown men inside.

Valkyrie readied Dragonfang in her grasp. She was prepared to fight if whoever was inside the pod was hostile. She looked to her sides, signaling her warriors to follow her lead and approach the pod slowly. Deep inside, she was hoping that whoever was inside was already dead. She was too lazy to deal with anything today and wanted to resume drinking.

She halted her steps and signalled for the men to stop behind her when there was movement inside the pod. The hatch started wriggling and Valkyrie held her breath. Whatever was inside was trying to get out. When the door lifted her heart sank.

When the door was fully opened the men behind her settled into a confused murmur. Some of them dropped their weapon while others stood in a defensive stance. They all stared at the man inside the pod. This might be a trick they thought. Valkyrie couldn't believe what she was seeing. She was far too sober for her mind to be playing tricks on her.

"Now, is that how you treat your king?" he asked smiling as if he had just seen these people recently. The queen was dumbfounded and the only word she was able to get out was "Loki?!"


It all happened so fast. After the arrival of Loki, fighter jets swooped into New Asgard. All Valkyrie can do was restrain Loki and keep her inside their newly built throne room. Half a dozen men were shouting at her and demanding that Loki shall be handed to them. She was so not ready for all this shit today.

"SHUT UP! Let me be clear! I am the queen of New Asgard. You Sons of bitches do not get to wave your tiny little guns at my face and demand something! Now, I'm giving you to the count of ten or else I will throw you my sword and chop off whatever is hanging between those legs of yours." Valkyrie cried out exasperated. The men didn't believe her at first and just stared at each other. At least they stopped shouting she thought. "Ten!" Still none of the men moved. "Nine!" Valkyrie shifted into a leaning position while clutching Dragonfang with her hand. "Eight!" She took a quick step forward and this did the trick. All men scrambled out the door fearing for their lives. Behind her Loki couldn't hold back a smile. "And what the hell are you smiling at?" Valkyrie said, annoyed at Loki for ruining her day and keeping her from going back to drinking.

Before she can say another word she heard footsteps coming toward the throne room. She audibly sighed. "Great! More men" she thought sarcastically. After a few moments Fury came into view. "We come in peace" he said smiling. Through the years he's been in contact with Valkyrie and he could almost consider them as friends.

"We?" Valkyrie asked. Still not seeing whoever it was behind Fury. "Your majesty, allow me to introduce Carol Danvers" Fury said stepping aside and gesturing towards Carol. Carol didn't really know how to properly present herself so she settled for reaching her hand towards the queen.

Valkyrie sort of remembered the other girl from when they fought Thanos. She thought the blonde was beautiful and was a badass. She reached over to shake Carol's hand not being able to stop a smile from forming.

"Now isn't this cozy" Loki said breaking the silence before all three pairs of eyes zeroed in on him glaring.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2019 ⏰

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