17 - Voicemail

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"Hey Hunter! You're probably asleep and shit but I just wanted to say that I love you. That's all. Goodnight or good morning or whenever you hear this. I love you and I'll see you soon, baby girl. Probably in the morning. I'm super tired right now so I'm gonna crash in the new house even though I wanna sleep with you and feel the baby kick as I fall asleep. I still cannot believe that Instagram doesn't believe you're pregnant and neither does the media. It's hilarious. —Anyways, I'll be in the apartment by the time you wake up and then we can move you and Logan into the house. It'll be easy tomorrow on you and Logan so don't you worry. The dogs are already loving their new toilet and I think I'm getting closer to fully potty training Winnie. Again, I love you and I'll see ya tomorrow."

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