Stupid things we say

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*Me talking to P*

Me: On a scale of 1-10 how soggy do you feel today, more like a cheeto in a puddle or a neglected oreo cookie?

P: I'd say a sock stuck in a washing machine

S(over-hearing the conversation): Guys what the hell are you talking about?


Me:*talking about color blindness*

C(messing up words): Can people be color blind to GAY???


P: Dang, I hate spiders they scare me all the time.

Me: why do you hate spiders? They're not scary..

P: Cause' they got eight legs and I only have two, that four times the LEGG power.


*Walking the track with A,S,L, and M*

S:*Bends over and picks something off of the grass*

L: What are you picking up, more flowers?

S:*Turns around to L slowly*

Me: Yo, S, you doin' okay?

S: YEs, hey L! Heads up!!

L: W- *Gets smacked in the head with something*


S: f i g


P: *yelling* E S caleRA

*Everyone in my group in a 30 mile radius*: OOOOOOooooOOOOOHHHHHHH


*Me and L in a cosplay planning session at 10 P.M after a con*

Me: Hey, L, how about Fin/Fionna and Cake from Adventure Time?

L: Yeah, sure, I'd be Cake tho.. let's get some dress ideas

L*Pulls out phone and tries to type in Cake but ends up typing in CAK 3*

L: PffFFT- J, LOoK! *shows me the search bar with CAKE 3 typed in*

We both proceeded to laugh until I hurt myself.


*Me and P trying to find the stupidest thing Akinator can guess*

Me: oh oH! give me the phone I have one!!


P: Thats weird is that what you were trying to find..?

Me: THAT'S eXaCTLY IT *Starts wheezing*



Me: *sees an ant on the ceiling*

Me: yooo that ant is on crack concaine

L: for a second there I thought you said "crack Komaeda"

Me: oh yes, I said crack Komaeda, SNAP.


P:*dies in roblox*

P: (in toad voice) MARIOOOO

Me: did you just scream "Mario"?

P: yeah, I was about to die and my voice went into TOAD MODE

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 21, 2019 ⏰

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