5/17/11 Sonnet - Heaven

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​Dark nights never veil eternal's light,
​Yet merely cools the shining days of Earth.
​Though spheres of fire may thus fade to night,
​Never shall God's timeless Kingdom rebirth.

​Man's gold will not compare to Heaven's paths,
​Nor shall precious stones of worldly worth;
​Earth's fruit doth taste like dust and not hath
​Heaven's lifelong sweet tasting fruit of mirth.

​Oh, how astounding is His throne of love!
​Amid celestial choirs of praising stars;
​Thus emerald glazed rainbows angels wove
​Shall ever clothe their King; shan't fall to shards.

​When shouldst I go beyond sky's silver mist?
​God's time knows when Heaven's in our midst.

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