A Crown Of Bloody Roses

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Giana woke before dawn in an unfamiliar tent, next to a huge man, whose arms held her tight against his chest. The events of the previous night flooded back to her, and she was torn between a girlish giddiness at the rebellious thrill of losing her virtue, and a sense of pure terror at what her father would do when he found out.

No, not when. If. If he finds out. All her guards had spent that night deep in their cups, and would hardly face Lord Tywin's wrath by telling him they'd let his daughter out of their sights for a whole night. And no one but Robert knew exactly where she'd spent the night, and he didn't even know her name. Besides, she couldn't get with child from this encounter; you couldn't on your first time, she'd heard from gossiping servants. Her father would never have to know.

It wasn't like Cersei was still a maid! Giana still remembered seeing those love marks on her sister's body, and that man's sock in her rooms last year that she claimed was Jaime's. Whoever she had been with then, it certainly wasn't their brother. No, she was seeing someone in secret. If Cersei could do it, right under Lord Tywin's nose, then why couldn't she?

Giana slid out from under the furs, taking care to not wake Robert, but he barely stirred. Hopefully he'd been so drunk that he'd forget this ever happened. She didn't regret it exactly, but it wasn't something she would've done sober. And the thought of her father finding out was truly horrendous.

Gods, she'd made a mistake. A huge mistake.

She quickly got dressed, struggling to lace herself back into her gown from the previous night. It was far too gaudy for early in the morning, so she took one of Robert's plainer travelling cloaks, large enough for her to use as a tent, and pulled the hood up to hide her face and golden hair. It had worked the previous night, after all.

The guards at the entrance to the tent chuckled and made lewd remarks as she passed, believing her to be some common serving girl. Giana ignored them, slightly perturbed; no one had ever dared speak to Lord Tywin's daughter in such a way before.

In the guise of a commoner, no one spared her a second glance, except for a dark-haired girl with a long, sharp face grooming a horse, who eyed her with a raised eyebrow as she set off from Robert's tent. Giana cursed in her head, stomach churning unpleasantly. That was Brandon Stark's sister, the taller, scary-looking one. The Starks were camped not beside but close to Robert, having arrived together. Close enough to have a direct line of sight. She knew she'd been recognised - caught red handed, in fact - and this was not someone she could bribe with Lannister gold to keep quiet.

"Lady Rose, was it?" She asked, heading over, having to fake her usual cheery smile, heart pounding in her chest. "Good morning,"

The girl frowned. "Rosennis. My brothers call me Ross. That'll be what you heard,"

"Of course," Giana fought to keep the smile on her face. Rosennis didn't seem to be trying to be rude. She was just... prickly. Charm had always worked for Giana in the past, and surely she would understand that she hadn't meant any harm? "Well, I'm glad we could be properly introduced now. I'm Giana,"

"Lannister," Rosennis stated. There was a pause as Giana floundered. "I know what you did, you know. There's no need for... this," She waved a disdainful hand.

"What do you mean?" Her tone was strained, on the verge of panic. She had never been a good liar.

"You know what I mean," The girl abruptly stopped brushing the horse, turning to her, unimpressed. "I saw you coming out of Baratheon's tent wearing the same dress from last night,"

Her stomach dropped, hearing it said out loud. At least she had lowered her voice, so no one but the two of them could hear.

"You can't tell anyone!" Giana felt like crying. "Please, you can't, my father - " But why would Rosennis Stark have any loyalty to her, over her own sister?

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